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Sri. A.Revanth Reddy
Hon'ble Chief Minister
Sri. D.Sridhar Babu
Hon'ble Minister for Industries
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Questionnaire - Consent for Establishment
All Fields Are Mandatory
1. Project Details
2. Project Financials
3. Project Requirements
Name of Unit
Constitution of the unit
Pvt Ltd
Public Limited
Government Body
Whether land purchased from TSIIC
Proposed Location
Bhadradri Kothagudem
Total Extent of Land
Sq. yard
Square Meter
In Square Meters
Location of the unit
Built up Area (Including Parking Cellars)
Square Meters
Line of Activity
Block making of printing without foundry (excluding wooden block making) - White
Diesel pump repairing and servicing ( complete mechanical dry process) - White
Mineral stack yard / Railway sidings - Green
Polythene and plastic processed products manufacturing(Virgin Plastic) - Green
Ready mix cement concrete - Green
Airport & Commercial Air strips having discharge less than 100 KLD - Orange
Almirah, Grill Manufacturing (DryMechanical Process) - Orange
Aluminium & copper extraction from scrap using oil fired furnace (dry process only) - Orange
Aluminium Smelter - Red
Aluminium utensils from aluminium circles by pressing only (dry mechanical operation) - Green
Asbestos and asbestos basedindustries - Red
Assembly of Aero-structures / Empennage - Orange
Assembly of air coolers /conditioners ,repairing and servicing - White
Assembly of bicycles ,baby carriages and other small non motorizing vehicles - White
Autoclave Aerated Concrete Blocks / Bricks with fuel consumption less than 12 TPD - Green
Autoclave Aerated Concrete Blocks / Bricks with fuel consumption less than 12 TPD - Green
Autoclave Aerated Concrete Blocks / Bricks with fuel consumption more than 12 TPD - Orange
Autoclave Aerated Concrete Blocks / Bricks with fuel consumption more than 12 TPD - Orange
Automobile Manufacturing(integrated facilities) - Red
Automobile servicing, repairing and painting (excluding only fuel dispensing) having waste water generation 100 KLD and above - Red
Automobile servicing, repairing andpainting (excluding only fuel dispensing) - Orange
Ayurvedic and homeopathic medicine - Orange
Ayurvedic and homeopathic medicines (without boiler) - Green
Bailing (hydraulic press)of waste papers - White
Bakery /confectionery /sweets products (with production capacity less than 1 tpd (with gas or electrical oven) - Green
Bakery and confectionery units with production capacity> 1 TPD. ( Withovens / furnaces) - Orange
Basic chemicals and electrochemicals and its derivativesincluding manufacturing of acid - Red
Bi-axially oriented PP film along with metalizing operations - Green
Bio fertilizer and bio-pesticides without using inorganic chemicals - White
Biomass briquettes (sun drying) without using toxic hazardous wastes - Green
Biotechnology process by using organic solvents - Red
biotechnology process without solvents - Orange
Biotechnology process without solvents - Orange
Biscuits trays etc from rolled PVC sheet (using automatic vacuum forming machines) - White
Blending and packing of tea - White
Blending of mela mine resins & different powder, additives by physical mixing - Green
Bottling of Anhydrous Ammonia and manufacture of Liquid Ammonia from Anhydrous Ammonia with Ammonia storage less than 60 T. - Orange
Bottling of Anhydrous Ammonia and Manufacture of Liquid Ammonia with Ammonia Storage of at least 60 T - Red
Brass and bell metal utensils manufacturing from circles(dry mechanical operation without re-rolling facility) - Green
Brickfields ( excluding fly ash brick manufacturing using lime process) - Orange
Candy - Green
Cardboard or corrugated box and paper products (excluding paper or pulp manufacturing and without using boilers) - Green
Carpentry & wooden furniture manufacturing (excluding saw mill) with the help of electrical (motorized) machines such as electrical wood planner, steel saw cutting circular blade, etc - Green
Cashew nut processing - Orange
Cement - Red
Cement products (without using asbestos / boiler / steam curing) like pipe ,pillar, jafri, well ring, block/tiles etc.(should be done in closed covered shed to control fugitive emissions) - Green
Ceramic colour manufacturing by mixing & blending only (not using boiler and wastewater recycling process) - Green
Ceramics and Refractories - Orange
Chalk making from plaster of Paris ( only casting without boilers etc. ( sun drying / electrical oven) - White
Chanachur and ladoo from puffed and beaten rice( murl and shira) using husk fired oven - Orange
Chilling plant and ice making without using ammonia - Green
Chilling plant, cold storage and ice making - Green
Chlor Alkali - Red
Chlorates, per-chlorates &peroxides - Red
Chlorine, fluorine, bromine,iodine and their compounds - Red
CO2 recovery - Green
Coal washeries - Orange
Coated electrode manufacturing - Orange
Cob drying (fuel consumption less than 12 TPD) - Green
Cob drying (fuel consumption more than 12 TPD) - Orange
Coffee seed processing - Orange
Coke briquetting ( sun drying) - Green
Coke making, liquefaction, coal tar distillation or fuel gas making - Red
Common / Standalone Sewage Treatment Plants / Faecal Sludge & Septage Treatment Plants - Red
Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment Facility (CBMWTF) - Red
Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) / effluent conveyance project with Green category member industries - Green
Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) / effluent conveyance project with Orange category member industries - Orange
Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) / effluent conveyance project with Red category member industries. - Red
Common Treatment and disposal facilities (CETP, TSDF, E- Waste recycling, CBMWTF,Effluent conveyance project, incinerators, Solvent/ Acid recovery plant, MSW sanitary landfill tes, STP) - Red
Compact disc computer floppy and cassette manufacturing / Reel manufacturing - Orange
Compressed Bio-gas (CBG)/Bio-CNG Plants (irrespective of the type of feed) producing Fermented Organic Manure & Liquid Fermented Organic Manure as by-products & utilizing entire FOM & LFOM as a fertilizer/manure on land & also not discharging waste water - White
Compressed Bio-gas (CBG)/Bio-CNG plants based on animal waste (dairy farms, poultry farms, and other animal waste) with wastewater generation upto 100 KLD - Green
Compressed Bio-gas (CBG)/Bio-CNG plants based on crop residue (paddy straw / wheat straw / corn sweet sorghum / napier grass, etc.,) with wastewater generation upto 100 KLD - Green
Compressed Bio-gas (CBG)/Bio-CNG plants based on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) with wastewater generation more than 100 KLD - Red
Compressed Bio-gas (CBG)/Bio-CNG Plants based on process waste (industrial / process liquid effluent & solid waste like press mud, organic sludge, molasses, etc.) with wastewater generation more than 100 KLD - Red
Compressed oxygen gas from crude liquid oxygen ( without use of any solvents and by maintaining pressure & temperature only for separation of other gases) - White
Construction & Demolition (C&D) waste Processing Plants - Orange
Copper Smelter - Red
Cotton spinning and weaving (medium and large scale) - Orange
Cotton and woolen hosiers making ( Dry process only without any dying / washing operation) - White
Cotton seed De-linting by Acid use (Wastewater generation < 100 KLD) - Red
Cotton seed De-linting by Acid use (Wastewater generation < 100 KLD) - Orange
Cotton seed De-linting by Acid use (Wastewater generation > 100 KLD) - Red
Cotton seed De-linting by Acid use (Wastewater generation > 100 KLD) - Orange
Cotton seed Ginning / De-linting by Mechanical means - Green
Cotton spinning an. weaving (small scale) - Green
Crop research and development - Orange
Crumb Rubber / Polymer Modified Bitumen - Red
Cutting, sizing and polishing of marble stone - Green
Dairy and dairy products ( small scale) - Orange
Dairy farm in colonies/clusters - Red
Dal Mills - Green
Decoration of ceramic cups and plates by electric furnace - Green
DG Set of capacity > 5 MVA - Red
DG set of capacity >1MVA but< SMVA - Orange
Digital printing on PVC clothes - Green
Dismantling of rolling stocks ( wagons/coaches) - Orange
Distilled water ( without boiler) with electricity as source of heat - Green
Distillery ( molasses / grain /yeast based) - Red
Dry coal processing, mineral processing, industries involving ore sintering, pelletisating, Grinding and Pulverisation - Orange
Dry Cell Battery (excluding manufacturing of electrodes) and assembling & Changing of acid lead battery on micro scale - Orange
Dyes and Dye- Intermediates - Red
Electric lamp ( bulb) and GE manufacturing by assembling only - White
Electrical and electronic item assembling ( completely dry process) - White
Emery powder ( fine dust of sand) manufacturing - Green
Engineering and fabrication units (dry process without any heat treatment / metal surface finishing operations / painting) - White
Engineering with Painting Activity - Orange
Engineering without Painting Activity - Green
Facility of handling, storage and transportation of food grains in bulk - Green
Fermentation industry including manufacture of yeast, beer, distillation of alcohol (Extra Neutral Alcohol) waste water generation 100 KLD and above. - Red
Fermentation Industry including water polluting manufacture of yeast, beer, distillation of alcohol (Extra Neutral Alcohol) - Orange
Ferrous and Non- ferrous metal extraction involving different furnaces through melting, refining, re-processing, casting and alloy-making - Orange
Fertilizer (basic) (excludingformulation) - Red
Fertilizer (granulation/ formulation/ Blending only) - Orange
Fibre glass production andprocessing (excluding moulding) - Red
Fire crackers manufacturing and bulk storage facilities - Red
Fish processing and packing (excluding chilling of fishes) - Orange
Flakes from rejected PET bottle - Orange
Flavoured betel nuts production/ grinding ( completely dry mechanical operations) - White
Flim Shooting - White
Flour mills (dry process) - Green
Fly ash bricks/ block manufacturing - White
Flyash export, transport & disposal facilities - Green
Foam manufacturing - Orange
Food and food processing including fruits and vegetable processing - Orange
Forging of ferrous and non- ferrous metals ( using oil and gas fired furnaces) - Orange
Formulation/palletization of camphor tablets,naphthalene balls from camphor/ naphthalene powders - Orange
Formulation/petletization of camphor tablets,naphthalene balls camphor/ naphthalene powders - Orange
Fountain pen manufacturing by assembling only - White
Gaushalas (Wastewater generation < 100 KLD) - Green
Gaushalas with overall wastewater generation of 100 KLD or more - Orange
Gaushalas with overall wastewater generation of 100 KLD or more - Orange
General Wire Industries like wire drawing, barbed wire, Chain links, making units without wet process. - White
Glass , ceramic, earthen potteries, tile and tile manufacturing using electrical kiln or not Involving fossil fuel kiln - Green
Glass ampules and vials making from glass tubes - White
Glass ceramics, earthen potteries and fired kilns, coating on glasses usingcerium fluorides and magnesiumfluoride etc - Orange
Glass putty and sealant ( by mixing with machine only) - White
Glass, Ceramic, Earthen Potteries and Tile manufacturing, using oil or gas fired Kiln, Coating on glasses using Cerium Fluoride, Magnesium Fluoride etc - Orange
Glue from starch (physical mixing) with gas / electrically operated oven /boiler - Green
Gold / Silver Refining, Melting & Testing Units (using more than 1 litre of sulphuric acid/ nitric acid per month) - Orange
Gold / Silver Refining, Melting & Testing Units (using more than 1 litre of sulphuric acid/ nitric acid per month) - Orange
Gold and silver smithy (purification with acid, smelting operating and sulfuric acidpolishing operation) (using less than or equal to 1 litre of Sulphuric Acid / Nitric Acid permonth. - Green
Gold Assaying & Hallmarking Centres - Orange
Granite / Stone Cutting and Polishing - Green
Gravure printing, digital printing on flex, vinyl - Orange
Ground nut decorticating - White
Handloom/ carpet weaving ( without dying and bleaching operation) - White
Health-care Establishment ( as defined in BMW Rules) - Red
Health-care Establishment (as defined in BMW Rules) having total waste water generation less than 100 KLD - Orange
Heat treatment using oil fired furnace ( without cyaniding) - Orange
Heat treatment with any of the new technology like ultrasound probe, induction hardening, Ionization beam, gas carburizing etc - Green
Heavy engineering including Ship Building (with investment on Plant & Machineries more than Rs. 10 crores) - Red
Herbal Products without using solvent - Green
Hot mix plants - Orange
Ice cream - Orange
Industrial carbon including electrodes and graphite blocks,activated carbon, carbon black - Red
Industries engaged in recycling / reprocessing/ recovery/reuse of Hazardous Waste under schedule iv of HW ( M, H& TBM) rules, 2008 - Items namely Used Oil - As per specifications prescribed from time to time. - Orange
Industries engaged in recycling / reprocessing/ recovery/reuse of Hazardous Waste under schedule iv of HW( M, H& TBM) rules, 2008 - Items namelyWaste Oil ---As per specifications from time to time - Orange
Industries engaged in recycling/ reprocessing/ recovery/reuse of Hazardous Waste under schedule iv HW( M, H& TBM) rules, 2008 - Items namely -Paint and ink Sludge/residues - Orange
Industries engaged in recycling/reprocessing/ recovery/ reuse of Hazardous Waste under schedule iv of HW( M, H& TBM) rules, 2008 - Items namely - Brass Dross,Copper Dross,Copper Oxide Mill Scale,Copper Reverts, Cake & Residues, Waste Copper and copper alloys in dispersible form, Slags from copper processing for further processing or refining, Insulated Copper Wire Scrap/copper with PVC sheathing including ISRI-code material namely "Druid" Jelly filled Copper cables "Zinc Dross-Hot dip GalvanizersSLAB, Zinc Dross-Bottom Dross, Zinc ash/Skimming arising from galvanizing and die casting operations, Zinc ash/Skimming/ other zinc bearing wastes arising from smelting and refining, Zinc ash and residues including zinc alloy residues in dispersible from, - Orange
Industries engaged in recycling / reprocessing/ recovery/reuse of Hazardous Waste underschedule iv of HAY( Nil, Htlz TBM) rules, 2008 - Items namely - Spent catalyst containing nickel, cadmium, Zinc, copper, arsenic, vanadium and cobalt, - Red
Industries engaged in recycling / reprocessing/ recovery/reuse of Hazardous Waste underschedule iv of HW( M, H& TBM) rules, 2008 - Items namely -Dismantlers RecyclingylantsComponents of waste electricaland electronic assemblescomprising accumulators andother batteries included on listA, mercury-switches, activated glass cuilets from cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass and PCB-capacitors, or any other component contaminated withSchedule 2 constituents (e.g.cadmium, mercury, lead,polychlorinated biphenyl) to an extent that they exhibit hazard characteristics indicated in partC of this Schedule. - Red
Industries engaged in recycling / reprocessing/ recovery/reuse of Hazardous Waste underschedule iv of HW( M, H& TBM) rules, 2008 - Items namely -Spent cleared metal catalystcontaining copper„Spent cleared metal catalystcontaining zinc„ - Red
Industries engaged in recycling /reprocessing/ recovery/reuse ofHazardous Waste under schedule iv of HW( M, H& TBM) rules, 2008 -Items namely -Integrated Recycling Plants -Components of waste electrical and electronic assembles comprisingaccumulators and other batteriesincluded on list A, mercury-switches, activated glass cutletsfrom cathode-ray tubes and other activated glass and PCB-capacitors,or any other componentcontaminated with Schedule 2constituents (e,g, cadmium,mercury, lead, polychlorinatedbiphenyl) to an extent that theyexhibit hazard characteristicsindicated in part C of this Schedule. - Red
Industries engaged in recycling /reprocessing/ recovery/reuse ofHazardous Waste under schedule iv of HW{ M, H& TBM) rules, 2008 -items namely -Lead acid battery plates and otherlead scrap/ashes/residues notcovered under Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001. [ * Battery scrap, namely:Lead battery plates covered by ISRI, Code word "Rails" Battery lugscovered by ISR1, Code word "Rakes". Scrap drained/dry while intact, lead batteries covered by ISRI, Code word "rains". - Red
Industry or processes involving foundry operations - Orange
Industry or process involving'metal surface treatment orprocess such as pickling/electroplating/paint stripping/heat treatment using cyanidebath/ phosphating or finishingand anodizing / enamellings/galvanizing - Red
Instant Coffee production with waste water generation less than 100 KLD and fuel consumption less than 12 TPD - Orange
Instant Coffee production with waste water generation more than 100 KLD and fuel consumption more than 12 TPD - Red
Insulation and other coated papers (excluding paper or pipe manufacturing) - Green
Iron & Steel (involvingprocessing from ore/ integrated steel plants) and or Sponge Iron units - Red
Jute processing without dyeing - Orange
Lead acid batterymanufacturing(excluding assembling and charging of lead- acid battery in micro scale)' - Red
Leather cutting and stitching (more than 10 machine and using motor) - White
Leather foot wear and leather products (excluding tanning and hide processing except cottage scale) - Green
Lime manufacturing (using lime kiln) - Orange
Liquid floor cleaner, black phenyl, liquid soap, glycerol mono-stearate manufacturing - Orange
Lubricating oil, greases or petroleum based products (only blending at nomad temperature) - Green
Manufacture of Copper Rods & Bare and Copper Wires - Red
Manufacture of Egg Trays - Green
Manufacture of Herbal Products by chemical extraction / Biotechnological process (Amla Dry Powder, Aloevera Powder, Lecithin Powder, Curcuminiods, etc). - Green
Manufacture of Herbal Products using solvent extraction - Orange
Manufacture of Herbal Products using solvent extraction - Orange
Manufacture of Lithium Ion & Lithium Polymer Cell & Battery - Orange
Manufacture of Monolithic Microwave Integrated circuits - Red
Manufacture of oil by Plastic Pyrolysis - Red
Manufacture of oil by Tyre Pyrolysis - Red
Manufacture of Rubber Tyres with effluent generation less than 100 KLD and fuel consumption less than 24 TPD - Orange
Manufacture of Rubber Tyres with effluent generation more than 100 KLD and fuel consumption more than 12 TPD - Red
Manufacture of tubes from butyl rubber - Orange
Manufactures of Activated Bleaching Earth - Orange
Manufactures of Chocolate (Waste water generation < 100 KLD and fuel < 12 TPD) - Red
Manufactures of Chocolate (Waste water generation > 100 KLD and fuel > 12 TPD) - Orange
Manufactures of Copper Rods & Bare and Copper Wires - Orange
Manufactures of Epoxide Resin Powder Coating - Orange
Manufactures of Jointing Mortar, Tile Adhesive, Plaster - Orange
Manufactures of Plaster of Paris and Allied Products - Green
Manufactures of PVC Leather Cloth - Orange
Manufacturing of tooth powder, toothpaste, talcum powder and other cosmetic items - Orange
Manufacturing of Aluminium Foils - Orange
Manufacturing of Aluminium Foils - Orange
Manufacturing of coir items from coconut husks - White
Manufacturing of explosives,detonators, fuses includingmanagement and handlingactivities - Red
Manufacturing of glass - Orange
Manufacturing of glue andgelatin - Red
Manufacturing of Graphite based lubricants - Green
Manufacturing of iodized salt fromcrude/ raw salt - Orange
Manufacturing of lubricating oils ,grease and petroleum based products - Red
Manufacturing of metal caps containers etc - White
Manufacturing of mirror from sheet glass - Orange
Manufacturing of mosquito repellent coil - Orange
Manufacturing of optical lenses (using electrical furnace) - Green
Manufacturing of paintsvarnishes, pigments andintermediate (excludingblending/ mixing) - Red
Manufacturing of pasted veneers using gas fired boiler or thermic fluid heater and by sun drying - Green
Manufacturing of shoe brush and wire brush - White
Manufacturing of Silica Gel - Orange
Manufacturing of Starch/Sago - Orange
Mechanized laundry using oil firedboiler - Orange
Medical oxygen - White
Metal Injection Moulding using Electrical heater - Green
Metal Injection Moulding with fuel burning more than 12 TPD - Orange
Metal Injection Moulding with fuel burning more than 12 TPD. - Orange
Milk processes and dairyproducts(integrated project) - Red
Mineralized water - Green
Mixing of Chemicals - Orange
Modular wooden furniture from particle board, MDF< swan timber etc, Ceiling tiles/ partition board from saw dust, wood chips etc., and other agricultural waste using synthetic adhesive resin, wooden box making ( With boiler) - Orange
Modular wooden furniture from particle board, MDF < swan timber etc, Ceiling tiles/ partition board from sawdust, wood chips etc., and other agricultural waste using synthetic adhesive resin, wooden box making (Without boiler) - Green
Multiplex Screening - White
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) processing facility / sanitary landfill - Red
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) processing facility / sanitary landfill - Red
New highway construction project - Orange
Non-alcoholic beverages(soft drink) & bottling of alcohol/ non alcoholic products - Orange
Non-alcoholic beverages (soft drink) & bottling of alcohol/nonalcoholic products having waste water generation 100 KLD and above. - Red
Nuclear power plant - Red
Oil & Gas extraction including CBM (offshore & onshore extraction through drilling wells) - Red
Oil mill ghani & extraction ( no hydrogenation / refining) - Green
Oil Refinery (mineral Oil or Petro Refineries) - Red
Organic and inorganic nutrients ( by physical mixing) - White
Organic Chemicalsmanufacturing - Red
Organic manure (manual mixing) - White
Packing materials manufacturing from non asbestos fibre vegetable fibre yarn - Green
Packing of powdered milk - White
Packing of powdered mill - White
Paint blending-and mixing (Ball mill) - Orange
Paints and varnishes (mixing andblending) - Orange
Paper pins and u clips - White
Parboiled Rice Mills - Orange
Parboiled Rice Mills having waste water generation > 100 KLD and fuel consumption > 12 TPD. - Red
Parboiled Rice Mills having waste water generation > 100 KLD and fuel consumption > 12 TPD. - Red
Pesticides (technical} (excludingformulation) - Red
Petrochemicals (Manufacture of and not merely use of as raw material) - Red
Petrochemicals Manufacturing (including processing ofEmulsions of oil and water ) - Red
Pharmaceutical Formulation and for R & D purpose (for sustained release/extended release of drugs only and not for commercial purpose) - Orange
Pharmaceuticals - Red
Phenyl/toilet cleaner formulation and bottling - Green
Phosphate rock processing plant. - Red
Phosphorous and its compounds - Red
Photographic film and itschemicals - Red
Ply-board manufacturing (includingVeneer and laminate) with oil firedboiler/ thermlc fluid heater(withoutresin plant) - Orange
Potable alcohol ( IMFL) by blending,bottling of alcohol products - Orange
Power generation plant [exceptWind and Solar renewablepower plants of all capacities and Mini Hyde! power plant of capacity <25MW[ - White
Power looms (without dye and bleaching) - Green
Printed circuit Boards - Red
Printing ink manufacturing - Orange
Printing or etching of glass sheet usinghydrofluoric acid - Orange
Printing press - Orange
Processes involving chlorinatedhydrocarbons - Red
Producer gas plant using conventional up drift coal gasification ( linked to rolling mills glass and ceramic industry refectories for dedicated fuel supply) - Orange
Puffed rice (muri) (using gas or electrical heating system) - Green
Pulp & Paper ( Large-Agro + wood) , Small Pulp &Paper ( agro based-wheatstraw/rice husk) - Red
Pulp & Paper ( waste paper based units with bleaching process tomanufacture writing & printingpaper) - Red
Pulp & Paper ( waste paper based without bleaching process tomanufacture Kraft paper) - Red
Pulverization of bamboo and scrap wood - Green
Railway Bogie Manufacturing with painting activity but without any metal surface treatment or process such as pickling / electroplating / paint stripping / heat treatment using cyanide bath / phosphating or finishing and anodizing / enamellings / gal - Orange
Railway Bogie Manufacturing with painting activity but without any metal surface treatment or process such as pickling / electroplating / paint stripping / heat treatment using cyanide bath / phosphating or finishing and anodizing / enamellings / galvanizing - Orange
Railway locomotive workshop/Integrated road transport Workshop / Authorized service centers having waste water generation less than 100 KLD. - Orange
Railway locomotive workshop/Integrated road transportworkshop/Authoried servicecenters - Red
Recovery of Organics from Mother Liquors including Piperazine - Red
Refilling of Hazardous Industrial gases - Red
Refilling of Non-Hazardous Industrial gases - Green
Repairing of electric motors and generators ( dry mechanical process) - White
Reprocessing of used oils and waste oils - Red
Reprocessing of waste cotton - Green
Reprocessing of waste plastic Including PVC - Orange
Rice mill (Rice hullers only) - Green
Rolling mill ( gas fired) and cold rolling mill - Green
Rolling mill (oil or coal fired) and cold rolling mill - Orange
Rope (plastic and cotton) - White
Rubber goods industry (with gas operated baby boiler) - Green
Saw mills - Green
Scientific and mathematical instrument manufacturing - White
Scrapping Centres (For End of Life of Vehicles and other scraps such as Plant and Machineries, Structural material, railway coaches and wagons etc) (a: Collection, De-pollution, Dismantling Centres and shredding centres / b: Collection, De-pollution - Orange
Seasoning of wood in steam heated chamber - Green
Seed processing – drying with fuel - Orange
Seed processing by Solar drying - Green
Seed processing with isolated storage of LPG of atleast 50 T - Red
Seed processing with isolated storage of LPG of atleast 50 T - Red
Ship Breaking Industries - Red
Silk screen printing, sari printing by wooden blocks - Orange
Slaughter house (as pernotification S.O.270(E)dated26.03.2001)and meat processingindustries, bone mill, processing of animal horn, hoofs and other body parts - Red
Soap manufacturing (hand made,without steam boiling / boiler) - Green
Solar module non conventional energy apparatus manufacturing unit - White
Solar power generation through solar photovoltaic cell, wind power and mini hydel power (less than 25 MW) - White
Solar power generation through solar photovoltaic cell, wind power and mini hydel power more than 25 MW - White
Solvent recovery through Distillation - Red
Spice grinding (>20 hp motor) - Green
Spice grinding (upto-20 HP motor) - Green
Spray painting, paint baking, paint shipping - Orange
Standalone Cement Packing - Green
Steel and steel products using various furnaces like blast furnace open hearth furnace/ induction furnace/ arc furnace/ submerged arc furnace /basic oxygen furnace/hot rolling reheated furnace - Orange
Steel furniture without spray painting - Green
Steeping and processing of grains - Green
Stone crushers - Orange
Sugar ( excluding Khandsari) - Red
Surgical and medical products including prophylactics and latex - Orange
Surgical and medical products assembling only (not involving effluent / emission generating processes) - White
Surgical and medical products not involving effluent / emission generating processes. - White
Synthetic rubber excluding molding - Orange
Synthetic detergent formulation - Green
Synthetic detergents and soaps/excluding formulation) - Orange
Synthetic fibers including rayon ,tyre cord, polyester filamentyarn - Red
Synthetic resins - Orange
Tamarind powder manufacturing - Green
Tanneries - Red
Tea processing ( with boiler) - Green
Tephlon based products - Orange
Thermal Power Plants - Red
Thermo Meter Manufacturing - Orange
Thermocol manufacturing (with boiler) - Orange
Tobacco products including cigarettes and tobacco/ opium processes - Orange
Transformer repairing/ manufacturing( dry process only) - Orange
Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facility (TSDF) / Incinerator for hazardous waste - Red
Tyres and tubes vulcanization/ hot retreating - Orange
Tyres and tube retreating (without boilers) - Green
Vegetable oil manufacturing solvent extraction and refinery /hydrogenated oils - Orange
Vegetable oil manufacturing including solvent extraction and refinery / hydrogenated oils having waste water generation 100 KLD and above. - Red
Wire drawing and wire netting - Orange
Yarn / Textile processinginvolving any effluent/emission generating processes includingbleaching, dyeing, printing andcolouring - Red
Zinc Smelter - Red
Type of Enterprise
Pollution Category of Enterprise