1 Caste* :
3 Type of Sector* :
5 Is Physically Handicapped :
I) Services :
2 Category* :
4 Entreprenuer Type :
6 Municipal Corporation :

Industrial Incentives in the State of Telangana

S.No. Scheme Operational period Relevant orders issued by Industries & Commerce (IP & INF) Department
1 T-IDEA Scheme: GO Ms No. 28 dt. 29/11/2014
Operational guidelines: GO Ms No. 77 dt. 9/10/2015
Ineligible list: GO Ms No. 62 dt. 8/9/2015
2 T-PRIDE (for SC, ST & PHC)T-PRIDE (for SC, ST & PHC) Scheme: GO Ms No. 29 dt. 29/11/2014
Operational guidelines: GO Ms No. 78 dt.9/10/2015
Amendment to guidelines: GO Ms No. 36 dt. 25/7/2016
3 Extension of IIPP 2010-15 1 year extension for availing incentives Scheme: GO Ms No. 30 dt. 29/11/2014
4 IIPP 2010-15 1/7/2010 to 31/3/2015 Scheme: GO Ms No. 61 dt. 29/06/2010
Operational guidelines: GO Ms No. 42 dt. 5/5/2011

Nature of Incentives:

The following incentives can be claimed through the online incentive application system through the TS-iPASS portal:

  • Investment Subsidy.
  • Reimbursement of Stamp Duty, Transfer Duty, Mortgage Duty, Land Conversion charges, Reimbursement of Land Cost purchased in IE / IDA / IE.
  • Reimbursement of Power Tariff.
  • Reimbursement of Interest Subsidy under Pavala Vaddi scheme.
  • Reimbursement of Sales Tax.
  • Grant of seed capital assistance.
  • Reimbursement of certification charges for acquiring quality certification.
  • Reimbursement of cost of equipment purchased for cleaner production measures.
  • Reimbursement of cost involved in skill upgradation and training.
  • Sanction of Industrial Infrastructure fund (IIDF).
  • Advance Subsidy claim for SC, ST & PHC enterprises.

Procedure for filing of incentive applications:

S.No. Nature of claim Filing period Supporting documents
1. Investment Subsidy (one time claim) Within 6 months of Date of commencement of production (DCP) • All documents as per check slip
• Civil engineers certificate as per format
• Statement of accounts in respect of aided enterprises as per format
2. Reimbursement of Stamp Duty etc., (one time claim) Within 6 months of DCP • All documents as per check slip
• Attested copy of registered document
• Attested Copy of payment proof
3. Reimbursement of Power Tariff (5 years from DCP) Within 6 months after completion of every half year (F.Y) • All documents as per check slip during 1st claim
• Power utilization particulars of previous 3 years certified by CA i.r.o expansion / diversification
During subsequent claims
• Attested copy of power bills
• Attested copy of receipts from DISCOM
• Self certification as per format
• Attested copy of Valid CFO
4. Reimbursement of Interest Subsidy under Pavala Vaddi scheme(5 years from DCP) Within 6 months after completion of every half year (F.Y) • All documents as per check slip during 1st claim
• Certificate from Financial institution in prescribed format
• Attested copy of Valid CFO
5. Reimbursement of Sales Tax (5 years from DCP) Within 6 months after completion of every half year (F.Y) • All documents as per check slip during 1st claim
• Form A issued by the concerned authority
• Attested copy of Valid CFO
6. Grant of seed capital assistance Within 6 months from date of sanction of term loan • All documents as per check slip
• Sanction letter of term loan and seed capital loan from Financial Institution
7. Reimbursement of certification charges Within 6 months from obtaining quality certification • Certificate from GM, DIC confirming functional status at the time of acquiring ISO 9000 / ISO 14001 / HACCP Certificate
• Attested copy of the quality certificate acquired
• Certificate from CA of expenditure incurred giving the details along with bills, vouchers and proof of payment
• Undertaking / Declaration from the Managing Director / Proprietor / Partner duly notarized
8. Reimbursement of cost of equipment purchased for cleaner production measures Within 6 months of DCP • All documents as per check slip
• Valid CFO
• Original bills & payment proof certified by Financing institution / CA in case of self financed
• Certificate from TSPCB on the cleaner production measures adopted with certified copy and list of equipments
9. Reimbursement of cost involved in skill up gradation and training Within 6 months from completion of training program • All documents as per check slip
• Copy of certification of institute along with the list of participants with their signature
• Original bills & payment proof certified by the training institute
• Details of employees trained as per format
10. Sanction of Industrial Infrastructure fund (IIDF) Before DCP or within 6 months from the DCP • All documents as per check slip
• Copy of the Project & its approval report
11. Advance Subsidy claim for SC, ST & PHC enterprises After sanction of term loan by the Financing institution Twice prior to DCP • All documents as per check slip
• Electrical feasibility certificate
• Proof of own capital invested
• Proof of borrowed capital from outside
• Term loan release statement as per format

    Application for Incentives

  • The proponent shall obtain UdyogAadhar after the Date of Commencement of Production in their industry/establishment.
  • The proponent must then apply for the incentives through TS-iPASS online portal (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The common application with all the required documents and information is submitted.
  • Processing of the Application

  • Following the submission of the application, it will be forwarded to the respective GM, DIC.
  • The GM will then conduct pre-scrutiny of the application and raise queries, if any.
  • Then an inspector will be assigned to conduct inspection of the unit and to provide recommendation.
  • After that, the application along with recommendation of the inspector will be submitted for further processing to the GM, DIC.
  • For applications from manufacturing Industries with investment in of less than 25 lakh in machinery and for services industry with investment of less than 10 lakh in equipment, the application will be sent to the District Level Committee and all the other cases will be sent to State level committee by the GM, DIC.
  • District Level Case

  • In case of District level applications, the application will be placed in-front of the DIPC for approval.
  • Based on the application and recommendation from the inspection, the DIPC will take a decision in the meeting and the minutes will be Communicated to the Commissioner of Industries (CoI).
  • After the minutes are communicated, the sanction letter will be issued to the proponent.
  • CoI will maintain a seniority list for release of the incentives. Separate list for Power/ Pavala and others will be maintained. Also separate list for SC/ST for Service/Manufacturing and passenger vehicles.
  • State Level Case

  • For state level applications, it will be forwarded to Joint Director, Commissionerate of Industries where all shortfalls will be obtained.
  • The document will then be forwarded to Additional Director, who in turn will put up the application in front of the Scrutiny cum Verification Committee (SVC). The SVC will meet and scrutinize the application.
  • If the application is found to be in order then it is placed in front of SLC for approval with the recommendation of the SVC.
  • SLC will approve the application based on the recommendations received. Once approved, the sanction letter will be issued.
  • After the sanction letter is issued, the release proceeding will be prepared .
  • The seniority list of all sanctioned incentive applications will be maintained by COI for release of the incentives. Separate list for Power/ Pavala and others will be maintained. Also separate list for SC/ST for Service/Manufacturing and passenger vehicles.
  • Release Process:

  • After the list is created, the Budget release order/ Administrative Sanction will be granted by the Government.
  • Based on the list the senior-most industrial units will be identified for disbursement of incentives.
  • The details of the selected units will be sent to the respective GM, DIC for verification of running status of the unit.
  • GM, DIC then shares the running status to the CoI recommending for release of funds.
  • Then the incentives are disbursed through online to the Bank account submitted by the applicant.
  • Checkslip of Documents for Submission with Application:

    (Approval Certificates need to be uploaded, if the applicant has not recived them through TS-iPASS)

  • Certificate from the financing institution concerned showing term loan released and the value of assets acquired as on prior to filing of claim/within 6 months from the date of commencement of commercial production whichever is earlier together with other details and machinery statement as a statement of account in the form prescribed with attested copies of bills in case of institutionally financed Enterprises/industries (OR) List of Plant & Machinery & Equipment purchased and installed in the prescribed form with attested copies of bills and payment proof in respect of self financed Enterprises/industries.
  • Caste Certificates issued by Tahsildar/ M.R.O's concerned in case of SC/ST Entrepreneur.
  • Aadhar of the Entrepreneur.
  • PAN Card of the Entrepreneur.
  • Certificate from the Chartered Accountant and % of holding of equity in the company by each partner/director.
  • Regd. Partnership Deed/Articles of Association and Memorandum of Association in case of Pvt. Ltd and Limited companies along with incorporation certificate / Bye-laws in case of Indl. Cooperative along with Registration Certificate.
  • Approval of Director of Factories.
  • Boilers Certificate.
  • Approval of Director of Town & Country Planning / UDA.
  • Regular building plans approval of Municipality or Gram Panchayat.
  • Consent for Operation from TSPCB/Acknowledgement from the General Manager, DIC concerned.
  • Power release Certificate from TSTRANSCO/DISCOM.
  • Environmental clearance.
  • EM Part – I full set/IEM/IL.
  • Udyog Aadhar.
  • Project Report.
  • Term loan sanction letters.
  • Board Resolution authorizing to sign and file claim etc., in case of Pvt./Ltd., Companies, Cooperatives and similar authorization in respect of partnership firms.
  • Registered land Sale deed/Premises Lease deed.
  • C.A. and C.E. Certificate regarding 2nd hand plant & machinery.
  • C.E. Certificate for Self fabricated machinery.
  • BIS Certificate.
  • Drug License.
  • Explosive License.
  • VAT/CST/GST Certificate.
  • Production particulars for the last 3 years as per fixed capital investment and Line of Activity of the application duly certified by CA for the 1st time of the claim, if it is expansion / diversification project.
  • RTA Certificate.
  • PH Certificate.
  • Undertaking and Finance Certificate Prescrbed Format.
  • Photo of the applicant along with the equipment in respect of mobile units.
  • Timelines for Incentive Sanction and Disbursement Process

  • Issue of acknowledgement/ intent letter : 7 days.
  • Issue of sanction letter : 30 days.
  • Release of Subsidy : within 15 days from the issue of Letter of credit (LoC).
  • Recovery of Incentives:

    Incentives released shall be liable to be recovered in the following circumstances:

  • Misrepresentation of facts
  • Enterprise goes out of production within 6 years i.r.o Micro and Small enterprises and 10 years for Medium, large & Mega enterprises
  • Fails to furnish information when called upon
  • Effects change of management without prior approval from Financial Institution and SLC
  • The unit shifts part or whole of the industry or leases out without prior approval of SLC
  • The enterprise is sold without prior approval of SLC
  • The enterprise takes up change in management without approval of SLC
  • The unit goes for additional power load, expansion / diversification or change of line of activity already considered for sanction without prior approval of SLC
  • Merger or amalgamation taken up without prior approval of the SLC
  • There is break in production for a period of more 3 years due to valid reasons which can be condoned by SLC

Consent for Establishment (CFE) from TS Pollution Control Board

Application for Consent for Establishment (CFE):

  • The Proponent shall submit CFE Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The CFE applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers. The nodal agency will obtain the information / documents from the proponent and send the applications in full form online to the respective Regional Office (RO) of the Board.

Processing of the Application:

  • After receipt of the application in full form from the nodal agency, the Regional Office of TSPCB will inspect the industry as per the procedure prescribed below.
  • On receipt of an application for consent under Section 25 or Section 26 of Water Act & under Section 21 of Air Act, the State Board may depute any of its officers accompanied by as many assistants as many be necessary to visit the premises of the applicant to which such application relates, for the purpose of verifying the correctness or otherwise of the particular furnished in the application or for obtaining such further particulars or information as such officer may consider necessary.
  • Such officer may for that purpose inspect any place where water or sewage or trade effluent is discharged by the applicant or treatment plants, purification works or disposal systems of the applicant, and may require the applicant to furnish to him any plants, specifications and other data relating to such treatment plants, purification works or disposal systems or any part thereof that he considers necessary.
  • The officer may inspect any place or premises, their emission from the chimney or fugitive emission from any location within the premises of the industry as also any control devices installed in the said premises, Such officer may for that purpose, inspect any place or premises under the control of the applicant or occupier and may require the applicant to furnish to him any plant specification or other data relating to control equipment or systems or any part thereof that he considers necessary.
  • The applicant shall furnish to such officer all information and provide facilities to conduct the inspection.
  • An officer of the State Board may, before or after carrying out an inspection as above, require the applicant to furnish to him, orally or in writing such additional information or clarification, or to produce before him such documents as he may consider necessary for the purpose of investigation of the application and may for that purpose summon the applicant or his authorized agent to the office of the State Board.
  • After inspection, the RO will process the application or forward the inspection report along with application and its enclosures to the Zonal Office (ZO)/ Head Office (HO) for processing the application, as per the delegated powers.
  • The decision on the application is taken based on the recommendations of the Consent for Establishment (CFE) Committees at RO/ZO/HO.
  • The officials of RO/ZO/HO will prepare an agenda enumerating details of the proposed project, observations and remarks of inspecting officer & Regional Office. The agenda will be placed before the CFE Committee for examination and to take a decision.
  • The CFE Committee will give recommendations on the application.
  • The Board will issue CFE order based on the recommendations of the CFE Committee within the stipulated timelines which is valid for a period of 5 years


  • For Orange and Green Category Industries:
    a. Site Plan
    b. Process Flow Chart (Diagram)
    c. Consent Fee
  • For Red Category Industries:
    a. Site Plan
    b. Process Flow Chart (Diagram)
    c. Environment Management Plan (EMP)
    d. Consent Fee
  • For EIA – 2016 category Industries:
    a. Site Plan
    b. Process Flow Chart (Diagram)
    c. EIA Report along with EC
    d. Consent Fee
  • Time Limits:

  • Red : 21 days
  • Orange : 14 days
  • Green : 7 days

Consent for Operation (CFO) and Authorisation under Hazardous and other Wastes (Management & Transboundary Movement) Rules, 2016 from TS Pollution Control Board

Application for Consent for Operation (CFO) and HWA:

  • The Proponent shall submit CFO/HWA Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The CFO applications are pre-scrutinized online through TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers. The nodal agency will obtain the information / documents from the proponent and send the applications in full form online to the respective Regional Office (RO) of the Board.

Processing of the Application:

After receipt of the application in full form from the nodal agency, the Regional Office of TSPCB will inspect the industry as per the procedure prescribed below.

  • On receipt of an application for consent under Section 25 or Section 26 of Water Act & under Section 21 of Air Act, the State Board may depute any of its officers accompanied by as many assistants as many be necessary to visit the premises of the applicant to which such application relates, for the purpose of verifying the correctness or otherwise of the particular furnished in the application or for obtaining such further particulars or information as such officer may consider necessary.
  • Such officer may for that purpose inspect any place where water or sewage or trade effluent is discharged by the applicant or treatment plants, purification works or disposal systems of the applicant, and may require the applicant to furnish to him any plants, specifications and other data relating to such treatment plants, purification works or disposal systems or any part thereof that he considers necessary.
  • The officer may inspect any place or premises, their emission from the chimney or fugitive emission from any location within the premises of the industry as also any control devices installed in the said premises, Such officer may for that purpose, inspect any place or premises under the control of the applicant or occupier and may require the applicant to furnish to him any plant specification or other data relating to control equipment or systems or any part thereof that he considers necessary.
  • The applicant shall furnish to such officer all information and provide facilities to conduct the inspection.
  • An officer of the State Board may, before or after carrying out an inspection as above, require the applicant to furnish to him, orally or in writing such additional information or clarification, or to produce before him such documents as he may consider necessary for the purpose of investigation of the application and may for that purpose summon the applicant or his authorized agent to the office of the State Board.
  • After inspection, the RO will process the application or forward the inspection report along with application and its enclosures to the Zonal Office (ZO)/ Head Office (HO) for processing the application, as per the delegated powers.
  • The decision on the application is taken based on the recommendations of the Consent for Operation (CFO) Committees at RO/ZO/HO.
  • The officials of RO/ZO/HO will prepare an agenda enumerating details of the proposed project, observations and remarks of inspecting officer & Regional Office. The agenda will be placed before the CFO Committee for examination and to take a decision.
  • The CFO Committee will give recommendations on the application.
  • The Board will issue combined CFO & HWA order based on the recommendations of the CFO Committee within the stipulated timelines.


  • Site Plan
  • Process Flow Chart (Diagram)
  • CA Certificate indicating Fixed Assets
  • Consent Fee
  • Compliance report on CFE/CFO conditions

Time Limits:

  • Red : 21 days
  • Orange : 14 days
  • Green : 07 days

Provisional NoC from Fire Services Department

Application for Provisional NoC:

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through the TS-iPASS portal (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in/).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized at by TS-iPASS and if any issues found, queries are raised to the applicant.
  • Once the queries have been answered or the applications is in complete form, they are sent to the Director General, Fire Services Department
  • Director General, Fire Services Department then assigns a committee to carry out the further processing of the application.

Processing of the Application:

  • The assigned committee then reviews the application and undertakes site inspection to verify the abutting road width for fire vehicle access and over-head High Tension electrical lines.
  • Based on the inspection, the committee will send a recommendation to Regional Fire Officer for further verification of the application.
  • If the application and inspection are in order then the provisional order is digitally signed and shared in the user’s login space.
  • The user can view and download the digital copy of the provisional NOC in his login.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application

  • Site Plan/ as built plans of location, floor wise plan, terrace plan, section and elevation duly marking fire safety systems

Time Limits for receiving Provisional NoC after submission of Complete Application:

  • For Buildings under 15 mts height : 7 days
  • For Buildings above 15 mts height: 14 days

Occupancy NoC from Fire Services Department

Application for Occupancy NoC

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through the TS-iPASS portal (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in/ ).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized at by TS-iPASS and if any issues found, queries are raised to the applicant.
  • Once the queries have been answered or the applications is in complete form, they are sent to the Director General, Fire Services Department.
  • Director General, Fire Services Department then assigns a committee to carry out the further processing of the application.

Processing of the Application

  • The assigned committee then reviews the application and undertakes site inspection to verify the following:
    a. Entry/Exit gates shall be minimum 4.5m width and 5m head clearance for fire tender access.
    b. Open spaces around the building(depends of the height of the building).
    c. Means of escape (Staircases/ramps – the number and width depends upon type of occupancy, occupant load and travel distance).
    d. Firefighting equipment: the functionality test of each equipment.
    e. Verification of smoke management, fire safety of air conditioning.
    f. Verification of any specialized risk/ Hazard and suggest appropriate safety measures.
    g. Verify emergency lighting and exit signages.
    h. Verification of emergency evacuation plan and preparedness of occupants in the usage of Fire system provided.
  • Based on the inspection, the committee will send a recommendation to Regional Fire Officer for further verification of the application.
  • If the application and inspection are in order then the occupancy order is digitally signed and shared in the user’s login space.
  • The user can view and download the digital copy of the occupancy NOC in his login.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application

  • Site Plan/ as built plans of location, floor wise plan, terrace plan, section and elevation duly marking fire safety systems
  • Provisional NoC already obtained

Time Limits for receiving Occupancy NoC after submission of Complete Application :

  • For Buildings under 15 mts height : 7 days
  • For Buildings above 15 mts height: 14 days

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Application for Tree Felling:

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS. Click Here
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers. If the application is found to be in order, Divisional Forest Officer will forward application to Forest Range Officer. SMS/e-mail alert will be sent to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • After receipt of the application in full form, inspection will be scheduled. (3 days)
  • Inspection of proposed site for felling and checking will be carried out by Forest Range Officer and Forest Section Officer. (5 days)
  • Post inspection, the Forest Range Officer will submit online inspection report to Divisional Forest Officer. (7 days)
  • Applicant will be accorded or refused felling permission by uploading the signed copy of felling permission on receipt of security deposit and inspection report from F.R.O. (10 days)
  • Applicant can submit appeal to the Conservator of Forests in case of disagreement with the order of Divisional Forest Officer. (12 days)
  • Based on appeal submitted by applicant the Conservator of Forests will dispose the appeal


  • Enumeration List of Trees to be felled
  • Certificate of Ownership of tree/forest produce by Tahsildar

Time Limits:

  • Permission for felling Non-exempted trees : 15 days

Application for Tree Transit:

  • The applicant must fill the online application through the Forest Department website. Click Here
  • The application must be complete in all manner.
  • This permission must be availed only after the Tree Felling permission has already been availed.

Processing of the Application:

  • Forest Divisional Officer verifies the application and forwards the application to the Range Office for Inspection. (10 days)
  • Forest Section Officer will be allocated for verification of the timber and ForestRange Officer will Test Check 10 % of the timber. (15 days)
  • If the Status is High Risk theForest Divisional Officer will also test check 10 % of the Timber and upload theInspection Report. (20 days)
  • SMS alert will be sent to the applicant on every stage.
  • After uploading the inspection report, the District Forest Officer verifies theinspection Report and Uploads the Transit Permission and SMS Alert will be sentto the applicant after which he can download the permission from his dashboard. (30 days)

Time Limits:

  • Tree Transit Permission: 30 days

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Profession Tax Registration from Commercial Tax Department

Application for Registration:

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line throughthe Commercial Tax Department portal (https://www.tgct.gov.in/). A GIS based jurisdictional mapping system is present to assist the dealers to locate their correct Jurisdiction.
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online in the portal to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • If the application is found to be in order, the VAT/CST/TOT application shall be approved within 1 working day of the receipt of the application set
  • If any discrepancy is found in application or the uploaded documents then the Registering authority may raise a query with valid reasons. The dealer has to reply to the query within 7 days, else his online application is deemed to be cancelled. A new Application has to be made for Registration.
  • In case of rejection of a registration application, the Registering Authority should issue a rejection order by recording the reasons for such rejection in writing.
  • All Registration Applications are to be processed within 1 working day. i.e. either accept and issue TIN or raise a Query.
  • If the Registration application is accepted, TIN is generated and intimated to the dealer by e-mail.
  • Once the TIN is generated, the Registration Certificate is to be signed and uploaded to dealer’s login.


  • Common for all Registration:
    a. Photo
    b. Address proof of Principal place of Business
    c. Address of proof of Additional Places ofBusiness/Branches/Godowns
    d. Proof of residence/ID of theOwner(s) of the business
    e. Copy of PAN Card of the Business
    f. Latest Bank Statement ( at least Preceding 1 month from date of application)
    g. Partnership Deed/Certificate from RoC
  • For Professional Tax Enrolment:
    a. Copy of PAN Card of all the partners & Directors ( inclMP/MD)
  • For Professional Tax Registration:
    a. Copy of Enrolment certificate
    b. List of employees( details such as name of employee/Date of Joining/Designation/Gross salary per month)
  • For Entertainment Tax:
    a. Copy of the Form B License issued by the appropriate authority

Time Limits:

  • For all registrations : 1 day

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Electricity Connection from Energy Department

Application for Electricity Connection:

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • On receipt of the application, the Registering authority shall scrutinize the application along with the supporting documents.
  • If the application is found to be in order, the feasibility assessment will be carried out to ascertain whether electricity connection can be provided.
  • Post feasibility assessment, estimation will be carried out. Post estimation connection charges is ascertained for providing electricity connection. After estimation is carried out on payment of fees an approval copy will be sent to the applicant.
  • The applicant can decide whether to carry out the work through electricity department in which case electricity department will collect 100% of the charges and issue tender for the work to be carried out.
  • In case the applicant decides to carry out work on turnkey basis (hiring own contactor to carry out work), 10% of charges has to be paid to electricity department for supervisory charges and work can be carried out.
  • Post completion of extension works a work completion certificate along with CEIG certificate (For above 650 V connections) / Self certification form (for connections upto 650 V) has to be submitted to the authorities.
  • On receiving the work completion certificate an inspection will be carried out post which electricity will be released.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • Identification Proof
  • Ownership Document of the property

Timelines for Approval:

  • Where Right of Way is not required : 7 days
  • Where Right of Way is required : 15 days

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Change of Land Use from Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority

Application for Change of Land Use:

  • The Proponent shall submitApplication on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in)
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • If the application is found to be in order, the department will undertake Title verification or technical inspections for the land
  • The recommendations are then forwarded to the senior officials and reaches the Metropolitan Commissioner for acceptance
  • If accepted, the change is published in Newspapers for inviting objections/suggestions for 7 days
  • The applicant is also intimated about the payment of conversion charges
  • Simultaneously, the Gazette notification intimation is also sent to the Commissioner of printing press, Govt. of Telangana
  • The government is informed about the application along with the previous details
  • After payment of the conversion charges by the applicant and addressing the objections/suggestions, if any, as per publications, the final proposals are forwarded to Government for issuing of CLU orders
  • The Government will examine the same and the final orders on the change of land use will be issued


  • Site plan
  • Location plan
  • NOC from Irrigation & Revenue Department (in case of site near water body)
  • Ownership Documents

Time Limits:

  • Change of Land Use: 30 days

Building Plan Approval from Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority

Application for Building Plan Approval:

  • The Proponent shall submitApplication on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in)
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant

Processing of the Application:

  • Once the file is submitted online along with the documents the File will be simultaneously forwarded to the Title Officer, Scrutiny Officer and site inspector
  • Initially the Title Scrutiny Officer will scrutinize and forward the application along with the observations and remarks to the scrutiny officer. Site inspector who is randomly selected by the computer will inspect the site as per the procedure prescribed and submits the reports within a week and forwards the file to technical scrutiny officer
  • Technical scrutiny officer will scrutinize and forward the application to the planning officer along with the remarks and observations.
  • At the level of Planning Officer / CPO will forward the application to the Director for further action
  • The application will move to the concerned Director for perusal and further action
  • Upon satisfying the compliance of all parameters Director recommends the file to Metropolitan Commissioner for approval/rejection
  • All MSB files, Gated community layouts & Layouts above 25 Acres will be directly routed to the CPO bypassing the Planning Officer
  • The Metropolitan Commissioner may Approve/Reject/Return the file for compliance of shortfalls if any. After approval of the file by MC, the Director will issue the fee intimation letter along with the conditions and inform the applicant to pay the Requisite Charges and to comply the conditions if any in the DC letter
  • On compliance of payment of required fee, conditions and mortgage, the digitally signed Proceedings & Drawings are issued from the concerned Director


  • Photographs of the site and approach road.
  • Auto CAD Drawing in Pre DCR Format
  • Location Plan drawn showing site and surrounding physical features
  • Structural stability certificate from structural engineer
  • Builder if any, the Architect and the Structural Engineer who designed the structure, should submit their present and permanent addresses and license copy
  • Geo Coordinates of the site under reference
  • Copy of Registered Sale Deed.
  • Registered Development Agreement of sale cum General Power of Attorney/ Registered lease deed
  • Pattadar Pass Book/ Title Deed issued by Revenue Authorities in case of no Sale Deed
  • Encumbrance certificate from 1st Jan 2000 till to date
  • Non Agricultural Land Assessment Certificate (NALA) from Competent Authority (R.D.O. of Concerned Area)

Time Limits:

  • Building Plan Approval : 14 days

Pre-Operational Approvals(CFO)

Application for Occupancy Certificate:

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through HMDA website (http://www.hmda.gov.in/occupancy.aspx).
  • All the required documents must be uploaded with the application and the required fees must be paid online.

Processing of the Application:

  • Once the application is submitted, the Technical Officer will scrutinize the drawing and submit the site inspection report in online prescribed format duly identifying the deviations if any.
  • Based on the inspection report further calculationof the compounding charges if deviations were observed i.e., only up to 10% of the sanctioned plan will be calculated.
  • After scrutiny the application will be forwarded to the higher officials (Planning Officer/Chief Planning Officer and Director) and then sent to Metropolitan Commissioner for final approval.
  • After approval, the Director will issue the Occupancy Certificate and 10% mortgaged area will be relinquished.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • Building completion notice certified by the architect.
  • PDF drawing as per the construction.
  • Declaration cum Undertaking on Rs.100/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper duly signed by the Owner, Builder, Architect & Structural Engineer.
  • Photographs of the building.

Timelines for Approvals:

  • Occupancy Certificate : 8 days

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Change of Land Use from Directorate of Town and Country Planning

Application for Change of Land Use:

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • If the application is found to be in order, it is forwarded to the Municipal Commissioner for further processing. The Commissioner provides his technical remarks and places the application in fornt of the Minicipal Council.
  • The application, after thorough verification, is forwarded to the Government by the Director of Town and Country Planning, along with the Council resolution and technical remarks of the Town planning staff.
  • Basing on the report of the Local Body and recommendations of the Director of Town and Country Planning, Govt. if agrees for change of land use in principle, a Memo will be issued requesting the Director of Town and Country Planning for submission of draft variation plan and schedule of boundaries and direct the Municipal Commissioner of the Local Body to collect development charges.
  • The Director of Town and Country Planning will prepare the Revised Part Proposed Land Use Map variation plan and forward the same to the Govt. along with the draft notification, schedule of boundaries and details of Development Charges paid, requesting the Government to issue notification
  • Basing on the information furnished by the Director of Town and Country Planning, a notification will be published in the State gazette, for calling objections and suggestions specifying a date on or after which such draft will be taken into consideration and shall consider any objection or suggestion received in respect of such draft from the council or any person affected by the scheme before the date specified.
  • If no objection are received within stipulated time Government will issue Confirmation Orders to the said change of land use and the same will be published in the official Gazette.
  • The Confirmation Orders will be communicated to the ULB/DT&CP for onward intimation to the applicant.
  • The final orders of the change in land use will then be available in the applicant login under TS-iPASS.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • Site plan
  • Topo plan
  • Ownership Documents
  • Link Documents
  • Latest Encumbrance Certificate
  • Latest Photographs showing the four sides of the site
  • Extract of Master Plan
  • F.M.B.Sketch / Tounch map
  • Approved Layout copy
  • GO for CLU of adjoining area
  • NOC from Irrigation/Revenue, if there are water bodies within/adjacent
  • NOC from Railway Aurthorities if the site is falling within 30m from the Railway Boundary / Property
  • NOC from Oil/ Gas Pipeline company, in case of the site is located in the vicinity of Oil/ Gas Pipeline.
  • NOC from the Defence institutions, in case the site is located within 500 mts of Military /Defence institutions
  • Extract of Google Map duly showing the site under reference.
  • Licence copy of the Technical Personnel issued by Concerned Authority

Timelines for Approvals:

  • Change of Land Use: 30 days

Building Plan Approval from Directorate of Town and Country Planning

Application for Building Plan Approval:

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in)
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant

Processing of the Application:

  • Once the application is submitted online along with the documents the application, a Town Planning staff is assigned for site inspection.
  • The TPBO/TPS carries out the field inspection, scrutinizes the proposal online with reference to Master Plan, Zoning Regulations & Building Rules and forwards, to Town Planning Section Head.
  • The Town planning Section Head submits his recommendation online to the Commissioner for approval / rejection / issue of endorsement of shortfall information
  • If the extent of plot area is 300-1000 sqmts, the proposal is forwarded online to Regional Director of Town Planning for technical clearance.
  • If the extent of plot area is above 1000 sqmts, the proposal is forwarded online to Director of Town & Country Planning for technical clearance.
  • If the proposals are in order, the applicant is informed to pay the fee online and furnish affidavits and undertakings for issue of Building permit.
  • The approved proceedings and the plans along with the application form from the Municipal Commissioner is made available online for communication of the Building Plans and Permit to the Applicant.
  • The final approval will be available in the applicant login after approvals.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • Site Plan in .dwg format.
  • Link Documents.
  • Registered Development Agreement of sale cum General Power of Attorney/ Registered lease deed
  • Valid Id Proof
  • Khasara Pahanie for the year 1954/55 and latest year issued by Mandal Revenue Officer / Thasildar
  • Valid License copy of Architect renewed by COA or License copy of the engineer/Surveyor issued by the concerned authority
  • Pattadar Pass Book/ Title Deed issued by Revenue Authorities in case of no Sale Deed
  • Encumbrance certificate from 1st Jan 1983 till to date
  • Extract of master plan / Base map / ILUP’s duly showing the site under
  • Latest Photographs of the site and its surroundings.
  • Location Plan / Topo plan drawn showing site and surrounding physical features
  • Self-Declaration by the Owner appointing the Architect

Timelines for Approvals:

  • Building Plan Approval : 7 days

Pre-Operational Approvals(CFO)

Application for Occupancy Certificate:

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through DTCP website (http://www.dtcp.telangana.gov.in).
  • All the required documents must be uploaded with the application and the required fees must be paid online.

Processing of the Application:

  • Once the application is submitted, the Technical Officer will scrutinize the drawing and submit the site inspection report in online prescribed format duly identifying the deviations if any.
  • Based on the inspection report further calculation of the compounding charges, if deviations were observed, will be calculated.
  • After scrutiny the application will be forwarded to the higher officials (Planning Officer/Chief Planning Officer and Director) and then sent to Director for final approval.
  • After approval, the Director will issue the Occupancy Certificate.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • Building completion certificate issued by LTP.
  • Copy of sanctioned plan (If not issued through TS-iPASS).
  • Land value certificate issued by the Revenue Department (if deviations are made to Sanctioned plan).
  • Photographs of the constructed building.

Timelines for Approvals:

  • Occupancy Certificate : 8 days

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Application for Land Allotment:

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TSIIC website portal (www.tsiic.telangana.gov.in)
  • The application must be filled in complete form and all required documents must be uploaded. The proponent must also deposit the EMD amount
  • The application is then scrutinized online and any discrepancies in the application is communicated to the proponent

Processing of the Application:

  • The submitted complete application is then checked for value or the size of the land to be allotted
  • If the land is of value more than 1 crore or of size more than 5 acres, then the application is sent to the Head office for sub-committee scrutiny and assessment. The sub-committee will then recommend the extent of land to be allotted
  • The application is then sent to State Level Allotment Committee (SLAC) with recommendation and they take the decision for approval or rejection
  • For lands below 1crore of value or less than 5 acre of area, the application will be sent to the Zonal Office for sub-committee scrutiny and assessment. The sub-committee will then recommend the extent of land to be allotted
  • The application will then be sent to District Investment Promotion Committee (DIPC) for approval
  • Once approved by the DIPC/SLAC the provisional allotment letter in favour of the applicant will be released
  • The allotment letter will also contain the entire amount of the land and the proponent must pay the required dues
  • After successful receipt of the payment the final allotment letter will be issued
  • The execution and registration agreement for sale of land shall then be executed
  • Following this the Physical possession of the land will be given

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • Detailed Project Report along with justification of land requirement and Process Flow Chart
  • Entrepreneur’s Memorandum part I/part II or Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum (IEM) for large scale industries
  • Copy of partnership deed/MOA & AOA of the company/Society registration (as applicable)
  • Plant & machinery layout with details of greenery/lawn to be maintained (as per APPCB norms)
  • Caste certificate (mandatory for SC/ST)
  • Self-certified copy of address proof- Driving License/Passport/Voter ID
  • Self-certified copy of identity proof- PAN card

Time Limits:

  • Land Allotment: 14 days

Application for Building Permission:

  • The Proponent shall submitApplication on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in)
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant

Processing of the Application:

  • If the application is found to be in order, it will be forwarded to the Department login
  • If the building is less than 18 meters in height
    a. IALA Commissioner/ Executive Officer scrutinizes the documents, undertakes site inspection and prepares report within a week. The site inspection report shall beuploaded within 48 hours of conduction of site inspection
    b. At the stage of documents scrutiny/ drawing scrutiny/ Site inspection any shortfall in documents, drawings, site observations found, it will be communicated to applicant in the form of rejection letter/ shortfall letter through the Email and SMS message
    c. Upon satisfying the compliance of all parameters, a demand letter for payment of fee along with condition if any will be generated. The applicant shall make onlinepayment of the fee through online payment gateway of TSIIC
    d. On payment of required fee, compliance of conditions and submission of mortgage document, the digitally signed Proceedings & Drawings are issued by the IALACommissioner / EO
    e. Status of the file is automatically updated on the website and SMS message will be sent on periodical process of stage wise approval i.e., inspection, shortfall letter, Rejection letter, fees intimation letter, permission plan & proceedings
    f. After final approval, the building permission order and sanction plan will be available in Architect/ Owner login for view and download purpose
  • c) If the building is more than 18 meters in height
    a. IALA Commissioner/ Executive Officer scrutinizes the documents, undertakes site inspection and prepares report. Uploads the reports within a week. The siteinspection report shall be uploaded within 48 hours of conduction of site inspection.
    b. At the stage of documents scrutiny/ drawing scrutiny/ Site inspection any shortfallin documents, drawings, site observations found, will be communicated to applicantin the form of rejection letter/ shortfall letter through the Email and SMS message
    c. Upon satisfying the compliance of all parameters, the IALA Commissioner /EOforwards the application along with the remarks to Zonal office
    d. The Zonal Manager processes the application to Head Office for Technical Approval
    e. Application will be placed in the Multi Stored Building Committee for their deliberations
    f. The Chief Engineer issues Technical Approval based as recommendation of MSBCommittee. After communication of Technical Approval, IALA Commissioner/ EOissues a rejection/ approval letter. If the application is approved or approved withconditions if any imposed by the MSB Committee, a demand letter along withconditions will be communicated to the Applicant
    g. Upon payment of required fee, compliance of conditions and providing mortgagedocument IALA Commissioner/ EO will issue building permit order
    h. Status of the file is automatically updated on the website and SMS message will besent on periodical process of stage wise approval i.e., inspection, shortfall letter, Rejection letter, fees intimation letter, permission plan & proceedings
    i. After technical approval, the building permission order and sanction plan will be available inArchitect/ Owner login for view and download purpose

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • Photographs of the site and approach road.
  • Self-Certification
  • Gram Panchayat NoC
  • Combined Site Plan
  • Detailed Building Plan
  • Mutation Copy
  • Ownership Document
  • Certification of Incorporation
  • Process flow chart

Time Limits:

  • Building Permission : 7 days

Application for Water Connection:

  • a) The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in)
  • b) The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures
  • c) The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant

Processing of the Application:

  • a) The submitted application will be sent to the concerned Zonal Manager
  • b) The Zonal manager shall examine the feasibility of giving water based on the application submitted, with reference to the following aspects:
    a. Availability of water supply pipe line network at the subject plot
    b. Availability of water
    c. Any pending dues from the applicant
  • c) If water supply is feasible and required documents are furnished, the Zonal Manager shall approve the water supply connection raise / issue a demand letter for payment of amount towards connection charge security deposit, augmentation charges / development charges in case where HMWSSB raises such a demand, water meter charges etc.
  • d) On payment of the requisite charges as per demand letter, the IALA Commissioner will implement the water connection to the applicant

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • a) Sale agreement /Sale deed / Lease deed
  • b) Sanctioned Building Plan approval
  • c) Occupancy Certificate
  • d) Property tax receipt
  • e) An affidavit written on Rs.100/- Non Judicial Stamp paper to the effect that the applicant shall abide by the various provisions of the HMWS & SB Act, 1989 and its Rules, Regulations and orders in force from time to time duly notarized

Timelines for Approvals:

  • a) Water connection approval: 14 days

Pre-Operational Approvals(CFO)

Application for Occupancy Certificate:

  • The Proponent/Authorized Architect shall submitApplication on-line throughthe TSIIC website (http://tsiic.telangana.gov.in/).
  • The submitted complete applications are forwarded to through the online system to the concerned authority.

Processing of the Application:

  • The complete application also contains the Pre-DCR drawing, which is auto-scrutinized by the system. If the deviation is up to 10%, charges/penalty will be applicable and if the deviation exceeds 10% then the application should be rejected.
  • The application is also allocated a site inspection officer, who then carries out the site inspection with reference to drawings & site plan and submits their report along with the checklist.
  • The inspector will also verify whether the mortgage deed is registered or not.
  • After the system scrutiny and the recommendation of the inspector, the system will calculate the charges automatically based on the deviations, if any.
  • The application is then forwarded Commissioner/ EO for confirmation & approval.
  • Based on the recommendations by the inspecting officer, Commissioner/EO will recommend the mortgage relinquishment.
  • After relinquishment of Mortgage, Commissioner/EO will issue the Occupancy certificate.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • Applicant undertaking of the Structural Engineer, Architect and Owner.
  • Photographs of the building.
  • Building Completion notice.

Timelines for Approvals:

  • Occupancy Certificate: 8 days

Registration of Principal Employers/ License for Contractors/ Registration under the Buildings and Other Construction Workers Act from Labour Department

Application for Registration/License

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • If the application is found to be in order, the department will allocate an inspector to conduct an Inspection.
  • The inspector then uploads the inspection report with their recommendation to the Department based on the inspection.
  • Commissioner of Labour reviews the report and if all are in order then the approval is digitally signed and shared in the user’s login space.
  • The user can view and download the digital copy of the approval in his login.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application

  • For Registration of Principal Employer’s establishment
    a. List of Contractors.
    b. Name and address of each contractor.
    c. Nature of Work.
    d. No.of Contract Labour engaged.
    e. Date of commencement of contract work.
  • For License for contractors.
    a. Copy of certificate of Registration granted to the Principal Employer.
    b. Certificate by the Principal Employer.
    c. Notice of commencement of contract work by the contractor.
    d. Copy of agreement or work order entered in between the Principal Employer andcontractor.
    e. Joint Undertaking both by Principal Employer and Contractor stating for payment ofnotified minimum wages to the contract labour engaged by them.
  • Registration under the Building and Other Construction Workers Act
    a. Notice of Commencement of Building or other construction work.

Timelines for Approvals:

  • For Registration of Principal Employer’s establishment : 30 days.
  • For License for contractors : 30 days.
  • For registration under the Building and Other Construction Workers Act : 15 days.

Registration under Shops and Establishment Act/ Registration of Establishment under Inter State Migrants Workmen Act from Labour Department

Application for Registration

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • If the application is found to be in order, the department will allocate an inspector to conduct an Inspection.
  • The inspector then uploads the inspection report with their recommendation to the Department based on the inspection.
  • Commissioner of Labour reviews the report and if all are in order then the approval is digitally signed and shared in the user’s login space.
  • The user can view and download the digital copy of the approval in his login.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • For Registration under Shops and Establishment Act :
    a. Telugu Name Board Photo graph of the particular shop or establishment.
    b. List of Employees.
    c. Copy of Rental deed or sale deed of the particular shop or establishment.
    d. I.D. proof of employer.
    e. Two passport size photographs of the employer.
  • For Registration of Establishment under Inter State Migrants Workmen Act:
    a. ID and address proof of the contractor.
    b. Nature of work.
    c. No. of Contract labour engaged.
    d. Estimated date of commencement of contract work and date of completion.
    e. Phone number of each contractor.
    f. ID and address proof of the Principal Employer.

Timelines for Approvals :

  • Registration under Shops and Establishment Act : 30 days.
  • Registration of Establishment under Inter State Migrants Workmen Act : 30 days.


  • The Proponent shall submit the application online through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS/concerned dept. to verify it is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.
  • If the application is found to be in order, the department will conduct an Inspection and obtain reports from R&B & Electrical Departments & other relevant Departments.
  • The concerned Departments then uploads the inspection report with their recommendation to the department based on the inspection and after receiving all documents the same will be processed accordingly.
  • The concerned Commissioner of Police reviews the report and if all are in order then the approval is signed and shared in the user’s login space.
  • The user can view and download the copy of the approval in his login.


  • Fill the Preoperational approvals (CFO) online through TS-iPASS.

Documents to be attached

  • *Follow Checklist below
    1. Checklist for Application Form A-II for grant of Form-B License
      1. 8-B NOC
      2. 9-B NOC
      3. Fire Occupancy certificate from Fire Department
      4. GHMC Occupancy certificate
      5. NOC of TSFTV & TDC
      6. NOC from Film Chambers of Commerce
      7. Film Division NOC
      8. Medical and Health NOC
      9. Lease Agreement or any other relevant documents
      10. Blueprint of Cinema Theatres/Multiplex with number of screens and seating capacity
      11. Application with details with regards to screens, seating and ticket rates proposed
    2. Checklist for Application Form A-II for Renewal Form-12-A
      1. Fire Department NOC
      2. Electrical Department NOC
      3. TSFTV & TDC NOC
      4. NOC from Film Chambers of commerce
      5. Film Division NOC
      6. Medical and Health NOC
      7. Copy of form B license

Fee :

  • Online fee payment(As per fee structure given below)
    • Fees*: 500/- (If the seats are less than 500 per screen per year)
    • Fees*: 1000/- (If the seats are more than 500 per screen per year)


  • 15 days
*Note: The charges vary based on the number of years and number of screens.


  • Fill the online application & Submit for registration.
  • If the application is found to be in order, the application will be forwarded online to the concerned Departments.
  • The concerned Departments will scrutinize and inspect if necessary and issues approvals in digitally signed duly sharing the same.
  • The user can view and download the digital copy of the approvals in his login.
  • The final approval will be issued by the Department of Tourism after receipt of all approvals from the concerned Departments.


  • Fill the Pre establishment approvals (CFE) online through TS-iPASS(https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).

Documents to be attached:

  • *Follow Checklist below.
    1. Building approval: As per GHMC/HMDA/DTCP/CDMA/PR norms.
    2. Change of Land Use & Publication charges: As per HMDA/DTCP/PR norms.
    3. Nalla Conversion: As per Revenue Department norms.
    4. Consent for Establishment from Pollution Control Board: As per TSPCB norms.
    5. NOC from Fire Services: As per the requirement from the Fire Dept.
    6. Electrical Drawing: As per norms of Electrical Directorate.
    7. Electrical Service Connection: As per norms of TSSPDCL/TSNPDCL.
    8. Water Supply: As per norms of HMWS&SB/Mission Bhagiratha/Irrigation.
    9. Dig Bore-well: As per norms of Ground Water Department.
    10. Labour License: As per the norms of Labour Department.
    11. Police NOC/License: As per the norms of Police Department.
    12. Professional Tax: As per the norms of Commercial Tax Department.


  • Online fee payment(As per fee structure given below)


    Fee Details



    Project Cost

    (Land + Building + Plant & Machinery, Service Equipment)

    Processing Fee*



    Upto Rs.25 Lakhs



    Above Rs.25 Lakhs and upto Rs.1.00 Crore



    Above Rs.1.00 Crore and upto Rs.5.00 Crore



    Above Rs.5.00 Crore and upto Rs.10.00 Crore



    Above Rs.10.00 Crore and upto Rs.25.00 Crore



    Above Rs.25.00 Crore and upto Rs.50.00 Crore



    Above Rs.50.00 Crore and upto Rs.100.00 Crore



    Rs.100.00 Crore and above



  • 30 Days
*Note: In addition to the Processing fee, Departmental charges will be applicable as per the licenses, NOCs, approvals procured by the applicant.


  • Fill the online application & Submit for establishment of operations.


  • Fill the Pre Operational approvals (CFO) online through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).

Documents to be attached

  • *Follow Checklist below:
    1. Labour License: As per the norms of Labour Department.
    2. Police NOC/License: As per the norms of Police Department.
    3. Trade License: As per the norms of GHMC/CDMA/PR.

Fee :

  • Online fee payment(As per fee structure given below)


    Fee Details



    Project Cost

    (Land + Building + Plant & Machinery, Service Equipment)

    Processing Fee*



    Upto Rs.25 Lakhs



    Above Rs.25 Lakhs and upto Rs.1.00 Crore



    Above Rs.1.00 Crore and upto Rs.5.00 Crore



    Above Rs.5.00 Crore and upto Rs.10.00 Crore



    Above Rs.10.00 Crore and upto Rs.25.00 Crore



    Above Rs.25.00 Crore and upto Rs.50.00 Crore



    Above Rs.50.00 Crore and upto Rs.100.00 Crore



    Rs.100.00 Crore and above



  • 30 Days
*Note: In addition to the Processing fee, Departmental charges will be applicable as per the licenses, NOCs, approvals procured by the applicant.


  • The proponent shall submit application online through TS-iPASS portal (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures..
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officer to the applicant.


  • Fill the Pre operational approvals (CFO) online through TS-iPASS

Documents to be attached:

  • *Follow Checklist below:
    1. Copy of the Layout Plans for organizing Tourism Event.
    2. Proof of address.
    3. PAN card of applicant.
    4. Partnership deed/ Articles and Memorandum of Association of Company.
    5. Self Certification.
    6. Enclose traffic / security/ fire safety plan/ location plan/ approach plan.

Fee :

  • Online fee payment(As per fee structure given below)
    • User Charges*: Rs.2,000/-


  • 25 Days
*Note: In addition to the User Charges, Departmental charges will be applicable as per the licenses, NOCs, approvals procured by the applicant.


  • Fill the online application & Submit for registration.


  • Fill the Pre Operational approvals (CFO) online through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).

Documents to be attached:

  • *Follow Checklist below:
    1. Sale Deed/Lease Agreement..
    2. Reference letter from Bank
    3. Passport Size Photo
    4. Self Certification.

Fee :

  • Online fee payment(As per fee structure given below)
    • User Charges*: Rs.1,500/-


  • 15 Days
*Note: In addition to the User Charges, Departmental charges will be applicable as per the licenses, NOCs, approvals procured by the applicant.


  • The proponent shall submit application online through TS-iPASS portal (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in complete form.
  • The respective departments (depending on the selection of location) will check the availability of location on the proposed dates and will verify if the requisite fee is received.
  • The Police department will also assess the application for their approval, the department will suggest the number of Police personnel required for the selected shooting location.


  • Fill the Pre-operational approvals (CFO) online through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).

Documents to be attached

  • *Only Application Form(Mandatory Fields in Application)
    1. Mobile number
    2. Email id
    3. Aadhar card
    4. Production name & address
    5. GST number
    6. Film shooting location
    7. Number of artists required
    8. Shooting date & time
    9. Number of police personnel required

Fee :


  • 7 Days
*Note: User charges will be applicable based on the shooting location.

Application for Factories License

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • If the application is found to be in order, the department will allocate an inspector to conduct an Inspection.
  • The inspector then uploads the inspection report with their recommendation to the Department based on the inspection.
  • Director of Factories reviews the report and if all are in order then the approval is digitally signed and shared in the user’s login space.
  • The user can view and download the digital copy of the approval in his login.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application

  • Registered sale deed/ Lease deed
  • Site plan
  • Detailed building plan
  • Partnership deed/ Articles of Association
  • Process flow chart
  • Copy of PAN card / Aadhar card
  • Previously approved plans and R No. of the Factory in case of additional construction or installation of machinery

Timelines for receiving Permission:

  • Factory Plan Approval : 7 days

Factories License from Directorate of Factories

Application for Factories License

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • If the application is found to be in order, the department will allocate an inspector to inspect the Factory premises.
  • The inspector then uploads the inspection report with their recommendation to the Department based on the inspection.
  • Director of Factories reviews the report and if all are in order then the certificate is digitally signed and shared in the user’s login space.
  • The user can view and download the digital copy of the certificate in his login.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • For Hazardous Industries
    a. Proposed inventories of Chemicals used and stored
  • For All category of Industries a. Latest list of Directors and Partners.
    b. Partnership Deed/ MoAA.
    c. Land Ownership document (registered sale deed/ lease deed).
    d. PAN card.
    e. Aadhar Card.
    f. Passport size photograph with signature.

Timelines for Approvals :

  • Factories License : 7 days

Pre-Operation Approvals(CFO)

Application for Registration of Boiler /Boiler Manufacturer/Boiler Erector

  • The Proponent shall submitApplication for Boiler registration on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in). For Boiler Manufacturer / Erector the application must be submitted through online portal of Department of Boilers (https://tsboilers.cgg.gov.in ).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • If the application is found to be in order, the department will allocate an inspector to inspect the installed Boiler.
  • The inspector then uploads the inspection report with their recommendation to the Department based on the inspection.
  • Director of Boilers reviews the report and if all are in order then the certificate is digitally signed and shared in the user’s login space.
  • The user can view and download the digital copy of the certificate in his login.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application

  • For Registration of Boilers:
    a. Release notes of pressure parts
    b. Assembly drawings of Pressure parts
  • For Boiler Manufacturer
    a. Workshop Ownership (or) Lease Agreement.
    b. List of the Machinery, Tools and Equipment.
    c. List of Testing Facilities.
    d. List of Technical Personnel with their designation, qualifications and experience along with their certificates.
    e. List of welders employed along with their copies of current certificates.
  • For Boiler Erector:
    a. List of rectifier/generator, grinder, general tools and tackles, dye penetrate kit, expander and measuring instruments or any other tools and tackles b. List of technical personnel with their designation, educational qualifications and relevant experience (attach copies of documents) who are permanently employed with the firm c. List of welders employed along with their copies of their current certificates

Timelines for receiving Permission:

  • For Boiler Registration : 14 days
  • For Boiler Manufacturer : 30 days
  • For Boiler Erector : 30 days

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Application for Change of Land Use:

  • a) The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in)
  • b) The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures
  • c) The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • a) If the application is found to be in order, the application is sent to the RDO
  • b) The RDO in turn forwards the application to the concerned Tahsildar for verification
  • c) The Tahsildar in turn sends the RI and VRO for filed enquiry and the enquiry report is sent to the RDO
  • d) Based on the results of the enquiry the RDO will either approve or reject the application
  • e) The approved proceedings will be available for the applicant in their login

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application

  • a) Site plan
  • b) Location plan
  • c) NOC from Irrigation & Revenue Department (in case of site near water body)
  • d) Ownership Documents

Timelines for Approvals

    a) Change of Land Use: 14 days

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Water Connection from Hyderabad Metropolitan Water Supply & Sewerage Board

Application for Water Connection:

  • The Proponent shall submitApplication on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in)
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant

Processing of the Application:

  • The submitted application will be sent to the concerned officer
  • The officer shall undertake an inspection to examine the feasibility of giving water based on the application submitted
  • If water supply is feasible and required documents are furnished, the officer shall forward the application for approval
  • After approval by the authority further payment details for the connection are shared with proponent
  • On payment of the requisite charges within the prescribed timelines, the Approving authority will implement the water connection to the applicant


  • Registered owner ship Deed
  • GHMC/Municipal building sanctioned plan
  • GHMC/Municipal Tax assessment receipt
  • No objection Certificate if it is in specified locality
  • House site Patta certificate (f) Slum area certificate if it is in slum areas
  • Occupancy Certificate issued by the GHMC/ Municipal Corporation if the plot area is morethan 200 Sq.Mtrs and building height is above 6mtrs excluding stilt floor)
  • An affidavit written on Rs.20/- Non judicial stamp paper to the effect that the applicant shall abide by the various provisions of the HMWS&S Act, 1989 and its Rules, Regulationsand orders in force from time to time, duly notarized

Time Limits:

  • Water connection approval: 14 days

Pre-Operational Approvals(CFO)

Retail Drug License/Wholesale Drug License/ Drug Manufacturing License from Drug Control Administration

Application for Retail Drug/ Wholesale Drug/ Drug Manufacturing License

  • The Proponent shall submit the application for Drug Manufacturing License on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in) and the Retail Drug License/Wholesale Drug License through the online portal of Drug Control Administration (http://odls.telangana.gov.in/ ).
  • The applications are submitted online along with all the required documents and the requisite fees is paid online.
  • The submitted applications are then pre-scrutinized throughthe portal to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant, who must then replay with the appropriately.

Processing of the Application:

  • On receipt of the completed application form,the DCA official will schedule an inspection of the premises/unit to check the following:
    For Grant Manufacturing Licenses:
    a. Production area of the facility to verify the uni-flow of various operations carried out in the respective modules.
    b. Design of the facility for proper segregation of areas meant for various activities.
    c. Installation of the required equipment along with the qualification status.
    d. Purified water generation and distribution system and the status of validation.
    e. Air Handling Units validations along with the zoning classification (airclassification), pressure differentials in various areas of the production modules.
    f. Material movement and men movement in the production areas to ensure regardingthe no chance of cross contamination/ mix up.
    g. Quality Control laboratory to verify the instruments & calibration status (analytical capabilities of firm).
    h. Warehousing facilities of the firm for raw materials and finished products.
    i. Required capabilities of Technical Staff for manufacturing and testing.
    j. To verify the compliance of the facility with the provisions of Good ManufacturingPractices as per Schedule M (general requirements and specific requirements) andGood Laboratory Practices as per Schedule L-1 of Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940and Rules made thereunder.

    For Sale Licenses:
    a. Area of the outlet to verify the compliance with the statutory limits.
    b. Capabilities to provide good storage conditions for the drugs stocked in the premises such as racks, refrigerator (for cold storage drugs) etc.
  • Based on the inspection of the unit the DCA official will submit an Inspection report to senior officials with their recommendations.
  • Based on the recommendation, the application will be approved or rejected. Once approved, applicant can download the final approved certificate through the online portal.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application

  • For Retail Drug License.
    a. Statutory form – 19 for licenses in form (20, 21).
    b. Declaration by the proprietor / Partner / Director / Competent Persons /Regd. Pharmacist with proof of residential address (Present and Permanent)for proof of residential address – Aadhar Card, Pass Port, Driving License, Voter ID.
    c. Partnership deed in case of partnership firm/ List of Directors downloadedfrom MCA website signed by Company Secretary / Managing Director (In case of company).
    d. In case of company an Affidavit under Section 34 of Drugs and CosmeticsAct, 1940 on Rs.20/- stamp paper signed by one of the Directors of the company. In prescribed proforma.
    e. Special declaration by Registered Pharmacist on Rs.20/- Non-Judicial stamp paper. In prescribed proforma.
    f. Self attested copy of Registered Pharmacist certificate (renewal up to date)affixed with latest original photograph and signature of the candidate /original to be produced to the Drugs Inspector at the time of inspection for endorsement.
    g. Plan of the premises indicating the carpet area (specifying length andbreadth in meters and area in Sq.m) with the signature of Building ownerand the applicant (Prop/ partners / Authorized signatory / Managing Director,etc,.) in a legal size.
    h. Declaration of building owner (Photograph of the building owner with self-attestation). In prescribed proforma. Self-attested photocopy of thedocument showing the proof of ownership of the building owner for thepremises to be licensed (E.C / any other legal document showing the present ownership.
  • For Wholesale License
    a. Statutory form – 19 for licenses in form (20B, 21B).
    b. Same as retail drug License.
    c. Experience certificate of Competent person.
  • For Drug Manufacturing License:
    a. Application (statutory) in form-24/ 27/ 31/ 27D/ 24Bduly signed by the Proprietor / Managing Partner / Managing Director/ Person declared asresponsible under Sec.34 / Person Authorized by the Board of Directors accompanied by Company Board Resolution.
    b. Declaration of the Proprietor / Partners / Directors etc. in Affidavit (as per format)& List of Directors downloaded from MCA website signed by Company Secretary /Managing Director (In case of company).
    c. Partnership deed in case of Partnership firms.
    d. Self-attested Copy of Aadhar card/Passport/Electoral card as proof of residential address ofthe responsible person as mentioned in the Affidavit at Sl. No. 2.
    e. Rent / Lease deed in case of Rental premises.
    f. Declaration of the ownership of the premises if premises owned by the applicant firm orcompany, with the documentary evidence of ownership like Registered sale deed and/orproof of allotment of the site along with the latest property tax receipt.
    g. Plan and layout of the premises showing the installation of Machinery and Equipment, preferably a Blue Print duly signed by the applicant who signed in the statutory form.
    h. Detailed list of Manufacturing and Analytical Equipment.
    i. Application for approval of Technical Staff in the prescribed format with enclosures ofconsent letter, copies of qualification certificates, experience certificates of proposedtechnical staff along with earlier approvals, if any, appointment order of the Technical staff.
    j. Permission obtained from the Municipal Authorities/ Panchayat authorities / Certificate inconformity with Factories Act for construction and starting the Unit & Permission fromT.S. Pollution Control Board clearance of the area for setting up the manufacturing facility.
    k. Form-46/ Form-46A from Drugs Controller General (India), New Delhi in case of newdrugs (Either Bulk drug or Formulation) – New Drugs as defined under Rule 122 E ofDrugs and Cosmetics Act and Rules made thereunder.

Timelines for Approvals:

  • For all Licenses : 14 days

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Application for Road Cutting Permission/Right of way

  • The Proponent shall submit the application on-line through the Roads and Buildings department portal (www.tsroads.gov.in).
  • The applicant must submit all the required documents along with the documents.
  • After the submission, the application will be sent to the approval authority.

Processing of the Application:

  • The approval authority then verifies the application and if found to be in order, then it is cleared for inspection.
  • The inspector undertakes the inspection and submits a final recommendation for final fees calculation.
  • Based on the recommendations by the inspector the final fees is calculated and the applicant will be intimated about the final fees.
  • The applicant must pay the remaining fees and an acknowledgement will be generated.
  • After the successful payment the final permission will be accorded and can be downloaded by the applicant.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application

  • Covering Letter Requesting the Road Cutting / Right of Way Permission
  • Route/Road Map with Clear Road Dimension Details, Planned Activities, Location/Address

Timelines for receiving Permission:

  • Right of way permission : 7 days

Application for Drawing Approval

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through the TS – iPASS portal (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in)
  • The applications are then sent to Department for scrutiny.

Processing of the Application:

  • Scrutiny of the forms are carried out and if there is any query it will be visible on the dashboard.
  • Post query resolution, department will raise the amount for payment for design approval.
  • Once the payment is made, the applicant will receive the payment acknowledgement.
  • If any further query is raised by department it will be visible on the dashboard.
  • Incase no query is raised or query is resolved department will issue an approval or Conditional approval and it will be available on the dashboard

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application

  • Agreement letter between Contractor and Owner
  • Contractor License Copy
  • Supervisor permit copy of the electrical in charge of the company
  • Electrical single line diagram from point of commencement of supply to the end use of electrical energy
  • The structural layout showing plan and elevations with sectional and safe clearances

Timelines for receiving Drawing Approval after submission of Complete Application:

  • Electrical Drawing Approval – 14 days

Installation Certificatefrom Department of Electrical Inspectorate

Application for Installation Certificate

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through the Department of Electrical Inspectorate portal (http://ceigts.cgg.gov.in).
  • The applications are then sent to Department for scrutiny.

Processing of the Application:

  • Once the documents are uploaded, payment for the application has to be made, once the payment is made, the applicant will receive the acknowledgement for payment.
  • On receiving the payment, department will start the pre-scrutiny will be carried out for the documents submitted. Based on the pre-scrutiny the department can raise query which will be visible on the dashboard.
  • Once the query is resolved, inspection will be scheduled for the site.
  • After completion of inspection, Form of order will be uploaded on the applicant’s dashboard, the applicant has to respond to the defects, if any raised by the department. Once the defects has been resolved, the applicant has to submit the compliance report.
  • The department will review the compliance report and if required raise query, once the query is resolved the department will issue the Approval Certificate. The certificate will be available in the dashboard.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • Work Completion Report from Supplier
  • Work Commencement Report(WR-I)
  • Work Completion Cum Test Report(WR-II)
  • List of Load Particulars
  • Transformer and other HV/EHV equipment test certificate
  • Copy of electrical design approval

Timelines for receiving Installation certificate after submission of Complete Application:

  • Red : 21 days
  • Pre Scrutiny of Application submitted towards Electrical Installation Certificate within 3 working days from date of submission of Application.
  • Inspection of the Installation will be conducted by the officer within 7 working days from date of completion of pre scrutiny.
  • Form of Order will be issued within 48 hours of after inspection.
  • Electrical Installation Certificate will be issued within 7 working days after submission of satisfactory compliance Report.

Pre-Operational Approvals(CFO)

Registration Under Legal Metrology Act from Controller of Legal Metrology

Application for Registration

  • The Proponent shall submitApplication on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant.

Processing of the Application:

  • If the application is found to be in order, the department will allocate an inspector to inspect the Establishment premises.
  • The inspector then uploads the inspection report with their recommendation to the Department based on the inspection, which is sent to the Assistant Controller.
  • The Assistant Controller then reviews the submitted recommendation and along with submitted application. They then recommend for approval or rejection to the Controller of Legal Metrology.
  • Controller of Legal Metrology reviews the recommendations and if all are in order then the certificate signed and shared in the user’s login space.
  • The user can view and download the digital copy of the certificate in his login.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • Manufacturer
    a. Photographs of Proprietor - in case of Proprietorship /Managing Partner - in case of Partnership firm /Managing Director - in case of Limited Company.
    b. Copy of Certificate indicating Number and date of registration number of current shop/establishment/municipal trade licence Sales tax registration certificate i.e. CST/APGST or exemption declaration by the applicant.
    c. Labour Department Certificate.
    d. Copy of the valid existing license document in case of Renewal.
    e. Partnership deed in case of Partnership firm or Memorandum of articles in case of company.
    f. Copies of Approval of Model Certificates.
    g. Security Deposit for Rs.10,000/- in the form of NSC( Copy of the NSC in case of Renewal of License).
    h. Lease/rental/ownership deed of premises.
    i. Solemn Affirmation declaration by the applicant on Rs.10/- bond paper.
    j. Address proof of the applicant.
    k. Id-Proof of the applicant.
    l. A declaration from the applicant stating that periodical returns are submitted and registers are maintained up to date in case of Renewal.
    m. Monogram/Trade Mark of the Manufacturer.
  • Dealer License a. Photographs of Proprietor - in case of Proprietorship/Managing Partner - in case of Partnership firm/Managing Director - in case of Limited Company.
    b. Copy of Certificate indicating Number and date of registration number of current shop/establishment/municipal trade license.
    c. Group photo of applicant(s) and skilled worker(s).
    d. Partnership deed in case of Partnership firm or Memorandum of articles in case of company.
    e. Copy of the valid existing license document in case of Renewal.
    f. Security Deposit for Rs.2000/- in the form of NSC (Copy of the NSC in Case of Renewal of License).
    g. Lease/rental/ownership deed of premises.
    h. Solemn Affirmation declaration by the applicant on Rs.10/- bond Paper.
    i. Address proof of the applicant.
    j. Id-Proof of the applicant.
    k. Copy of the skilled worker certificate(s).
    l. List of Loan articles.
    m. List of Test weights.
    n. List of tools.
    o. Undertaking from the skilled worker(s) indicating willingness to work in the firm.
  • Repairer License.
    a. Photographs of Proprietor - in case of Proprietorship/Managing Partner - in case of Partnership firm/Managing Director - in case of Limited Company.
    b. Copy of Certificate indicating Number and date of registration number of current shop/establishment/municipal trade licence.
    c. Group photo of applicant(s) and skilled worker(s).
    d. Partnership deed in case of Partnership firm or Memorandum of articles in case of company.
    e. Copy of the valid existing license document in case of Renewal.
    f. Security Deposit for Rs.5000/- in the form of NSC (Copy of the NSC inCase of Renewal of License).
    g. Lease/rental/ownership deed of premises.
    h. Solemn Affirmation declaration by the applicant on Rs.10/- bond Paper.
    i. Address proof of the applicant.
    j. Id-Proof of the applicant.
    k. Copy of the skilled worker certificate(s).
    l. List of Loan articles.
    m. List of Test weights.
    n. List of tools.
    o. Undertaking from the skilled worker(s) indicating willingness to work in the firm.
  • For Registration of Manufacturer/Packer/Importer.
    a. Municipal or Gram Panchayat Trade License.
    b. Sales Tax registration Copy with TIN.
    c. Sample copy of Trade mark for Manufacturer and Label in case ofImporter/Packer.
    d. If applicant is an authorized signatory, proof thereto.
    e. Registered partnership deed or articles in case of partnership firm orregistered company.
    f. Filled Application Form with Photo.
    g. Aadhar Proof copy.

Timelines for Approvals:

  • For all registrations/Licenses : 15 days

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Application for Firm/Society Registration:

  • The Proponent shall submitApplication on-line throughthe Registration & Stamps Department portal (http://registration.telangana.gov.in/registrationFirmsProcedure.jsp)
  • The applications must be filled as per instructions and submitted with the required documents
  • The original documents are also to be submitted through courier to the concerned District Registrar Officer

Processing of the Application:

  • If the application is found to be in order and on the receipt of the documents in the office are meeting requirements, then the application is approved
  • Once approved, the certificate will also be issued and the applicant can download it through the Registration & Stamps department website


  • For Firm Registration:
    a. Acknowledgment containing reference number
    b. Partnership Deed
    c. ID Proof of partners
    d. Address proof of partners
    e. Passport Size photographs of all partners
    f. Registered lease agreement if office is in rented premises or Declaration if office is in own premises and no rent is collected from Firm
  • For Society Registration:
    a. Acknowledgment containing reference number
    b. Memorandum of Society
    c. Rules and Regulations
    d. ID Proof of EC Members
  • Address proof of EC Members
  • Passport Size photographs of all EC Members
  • Registered lease agreement if office is in rented premises or Declaration if office is in own premises and no rent is collected from Society

Time Limits:

  • For all registrations : 3 days

Application for Document Registration

  • a) The applicant enter the details and prepare the document using the online portal in the Registration & Stamps Department portal (http://registration.telangana.gov.in/TPDE/)
  • b) The applicant also provides the details of parties involved and the property to be registered
  • c) The applicant then pays the applicable fees the through the e-Stamps system

Processing of the Application:

  • a) After payment, the user is provided an option to book slots and hey choose the appropriate slot for document presentation
  • b) The document is presented to the Sub-registrar and it is verified during the allotted slot
  • c) After successful verification the registered document is presented to the applicant

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application

  • a) The original document bearing signature of all parties
  • b) Challan/DD evidencing payment of full stamp duty, transfer duty (if any),Registration fee and user charges
  • c) Section 32A photo form of executants/claimants/witnesses
  • d) Two credible persons (witnesses), who will identify the parties and identity cards with photos of such persons
  • e) Address proof of the executants and witnesses
  • f) Photograph capturing Frontal view of the property (8/6 inches)
  • g) GPA /SPA, if any in original and its Photostat copy
  • h) Link documents copies
  • i) Webland copy in respect of agricultural properties
  • j) Pattadaar passbooks and title deeds in original and their copies in respect of agricultural property transactions

Timelines for Registration

  • a) Document Registration : 1 day

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Trade License from Commissioner and Director of Municipal Administration

Application for Trade License:

  • a) The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through CDMA website (http://cdma.telangana.gov.in/tradeapp)
  • b) The applications are to be filled completely and all the required documents as per the checklist are also to be uploaded
  • c) The proponent must also pay the trade fee through the online payment gateway

Processing of the Application:

  • a) The submitted application will be submitted to the Sanitary Inspector for verification. The Inspector will verify the documents and submit their recommendation to the Commissioner
  • b) The Commissioner will again verify the application received from the Sanitary Inspector
  • c) Based on the recommendation and the submitted application, the Municipal Commissioner will approve or reject the application
  • d) Approved applicants can download the final digital signed Trade License using the Unique Application number through the CDMA web portal

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • a) Identification Proof
  • b) Lease deed/ Legal Occupancy certificate

Timelines for Approvals:

  • a) Factory Plan Approval : 15 days

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Building Plan Approval from Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation

Application for Building Plan Approval:

  • a) The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in)
  • b) The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures
  • c) The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant

Processing of the Application:

  • a) Once the file is submitted online along with the documents the File will be simultaneously forwarded to the Title Officer, Scrutiny Officer and site inspector
  • b) Initially the Title Scrutiny Officer will scrutinize and forward the application along with the observations and remarks to the scrutiny officer. Site inspector who is randomly selected by the computer will inspect the site as per the procedure prescribed and submits the reports within a week and forwards the file to technical scrutiny officer
  • c) Technical scrutiny officer will scrutinize and forward the application to the planning officer along with the remarks and observations.
  • d) At the level of Planning Officer / CPO will forward the application to the concerned officer for further action
  • e) The application will move to the concerned officer for perusal and further action
  • f) Upon satisfying the compliance of all parameters the officer recommends the file to the Approving Authority for approval/rejection
  • g) All MSB files, Gated community layouts & Layouts above 25 Acres will be directly routed to the CPO bypassing the Planning Officer
  • h) The Authority may Approve/Reject/Return the file for compliance of shortfalls if any. After approval of the file, the fee intimation letter along with the conditions are informed to the applicant for payment of the Requisite
  • i) On compliance of payment of required fee, conditions and mortgage, the digitally signed Proceedings & Drawings are issued and available in the login

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • a) Photographs of the site and approach road.
  • b) Auto CAD Drawing in Pre DCR Format
  • c) Location Plan drawn showing site and surrounding physical features
  • d) Structural stability certificate from structural engineer
  • e) Builder if any, the Architect and the Structural Engineer who designed the structure, should submit their present and permanent addresses and license copy
  • f) Geo Coordinates of the site under reference
  • g) Copy of Registered Sale Deed.
  • h) Registered Development Agreement of sale cum General Power of Attorney/ Registered lease deed
  • i) Pattadar Pass Book/ Title Deed issued by Revenue Authorities in case of no Sale Deed
  • j) Encumbrance certificate from 1st Jan 2000 till to date
  • k) Non Agricultural Land Assessment Certificate (NALA) from Competent Authority (R.D.O. of Concerned Area)

Timelines for Approvals:

  • a) Building Plan Approval : 14 days

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Permission to Dig Bore-well from Ground Water Department

Application for Bore-well Permission:

  • a) The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in)
  • b) The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures
  • c) The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant

Processing of the Application:

  • a) The submitted application will be sent to the concerned officer
  • b) The officer shall undertake an inspection to examine the feasibility of digging a bore-well based on the application submitted
  • c) If digging is feasible and required documents are furnished, the officer shall forward the application for approval
  • d) After approval by the authority the permission is provided to the proponent

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • a) Photocopy of Pattadar Passbook/Title Deed/1B Extract/ Registered sale deeds of the Lands

Timelines for Approvals:

  • a) Bore-well Permission: 14 days


  • Please log in the https://ipass.telangana.gov.in/ to avail this service.
  • 1. Create user login by clicking on Register in the homepage.
  • 2. Login by using the created id and password.
  • 3. Click on CFE.
  • 4. Enter details in the Questionnaire.
  • 5. Show Approvals and submit the Questionnaire.
  • 6. Click on Common Application Form (CAF) and select the Approvals for which you intend to apply.
  • 7. After, that enter the Enterprise Details, Location Details, Line of Activity, Power Details, and other selected details.
  • 8. Upload the requisite Documents as per the Checklist.
  • 9. Select to pay for Irrigation & CAD Department and make online payment.
  • 10. The Application will be submitted online and the status can be tracked in the Entrepreneur Dashboard.
  • 11. Query if any from the department will be visible on the entrepreneur dashboard.
  • 12. Response to the query can be submitted online.
  • 13. In case of application approved, the viewable / downloadable approval certificate will be available in entrepreneur dashboard under Approval Status.

In case of Rejection:

  • 1. An appeal against rejected application can be made from the entrepreneur dashboard on complying with the reasons for rejection.
  • 2. A request to consider the appeal has to be made in the help desk also.
  • 3. In case of appeal made it would be forwarded to concern department for their actions.

Required Documents/Inputs

  • 1. Source of Water Intake
  •     • Major Irrigation
  •     • Medium Irrigation
  •     • Minor irrigation
  • 2. Geo Coordinates of source point for water withdrawal proposed and point of Water Utilisation along other details as required.
  • 3. Feasibility report for water drawl


  • 1. Payment of Rs.10,000/- for water drawl permission


  • 1. Approval of CFE within 28 (Pre Scrutiny Stage7 days & Approval Stage 21 days) working days from date of submission of complete application.


Pre-Scrutiny Stage

  • 1. Application would be sent to the Engineering in Chief (General) Office, for Pre Scrutiny and assigning to Concerned Unit (1 day)
  • 2. Application received at the CE Unit Office will undergo Pre-Scrutiny and will be assigned to concerned Superintending Engineer Office (1 Day)
  • 3. Application received at the SE Unit Office will undergo Pre-Scrutiny and will be assigned to concerned Executive Engineer Office (1 Day)
  • 4. Application would be sent to the Division Office (Executive Engineer) for feasibility certificate for the Project duly calling for a report from Subdivision Office. (4Days)

Approval Stage

  • 5. As per the instructions received from Executive Engineer an arrangement of inspection (based on requirement i.e. Major/Medium/Minor Irrigation/River /Tank etc.) shall be made for (or joint inspection with other department) along with the superior Officers above or the Engineer-in Charge. (18 Days)
  • 6. Based on Inspection report of Executive Engineer depending upon the availability of water, depending upon previous allocations, depending upon the proposed alignment for water drawal, and the feasibility of corresponding level of point of with drawal and Point of level of Utilisation/ Storage, water allocation permission would be recommended by Superintending Engineer & Accordingly Permission is given by the concerned Chief Engineer ( Irrigation) duly mentioning the Amount required to pay for CFO ( 2.5% as Security Deposit & 1Year Advance Water drawal Charges) (3 Days)


  • 1. The applicant applies for Pre Operational Approval online.
  • 2. Application is then received by the officer concerned.
  • 3. The officer then scrutinizes the application and the documents uploaded by the applicant for correctness.
  • 4. Upon finding the application satisfactory, an online request for payment of fee is raised by the officer.
  • 5. Upon satisfactory completion of inspection, Pre Operational Approval is granted.
  • 6. The user can then download the digitally signed Pre Operational Approval Certificate.
  • 7. In case of shortfall at scrutiny level, a query is raised through the portal, after which the applicant can respond to the query either by providing remarks or by uploading documents called for.
  • 8. In case the shortfall is not responded satisfactorily, the application is rejected, with due reasons.
  • 9. In case of shortfall at inspection level, the application is rejected with due reasons.
  • 10. In case of rejected applications, an appeal can be made through the online system, after duly rectifying the reasons mentioned for rejection.

How to Apply

  • Please log in the https://ipass.telangana.gov.in/ to avail this service.
  • 1. Create user login by clicking on Register in the homepage.
  • 2. Login by using the created id and password.
  • 3. Click on CFO.
  • 4. Enter details in the Questionnaire.
  • 5. After filling the details in Questionnaire, please save the Form
  • 6. Click on Common Application Form under CFO.
  • 7. It will prompt you to select for the Approvals such as Permission to draw water from river/public tanks
  • 8. After, that it will ask you to Upload CFE (Plan Approval) from Irrigation & CAD Department. (Please put NA in case of Not Applicable. To justify the Not Applicable factor, you are requested to upload a Self-Certified document )
  • 9. Enter the details in Common Application Form. (Enter Entrepreneur Details, Line of activity, Other Details).
  • 10. Upload the documents required for CFO.
  • 11. The Application will be submitted online and the status can be tracked in the Entrepreneur Dashboard.
  • 12. Query if any from the department is visible on the entrepreneur dashboard.
  • 13. Respond to the query and submit the requisite attachment.
  • 14. Make Approval fee payment as per the payment request of Irrigation & CAD Department.
  • 15. On approval, the viewable / downloadable Pre Operational approval certificate is available on entrepreneur Dashboard.

In case of Rejection:

  • 1. An appeal against rejected application can be made from the entrepreneur dashboard on complying with the reasons for rejection.
  • 1. A request to consider the appeal has to be made in the help desk also.
  • 2. In case of appeal made it would be forwarded to concern department for their actions.

Checklist of Mandatory Documents required.

  • 1. Land Clearances
  • 2. PCB Clearances
  • 3. Forest Clearances
  • 4. EE Certificate for Installation of Flow Meter calibration Seal Check


  • 1. Application Charge of Rs.10000/-
  • 2. 2.5 % for Security Deposit
  • 3. Advance for 1 Year Water drawl
  • 4. Make the Payment according to the Project(KIPCL/TSWRIDCL/Other Account)


  • 1. Approval of CFO within 28 (Pre Scrutiny Stage7 days & Approval Stage 21 days) working days from date of submission of complete application.


Pre-Scrutiny Stage

  • 1. Application would be sent to the Engineering in Chief (General) Office, for Pre Scrutiny and assigning to Concerned Unit (1 day)
  • 2. Application received at the CE Unit Office will undergo Pre-Scrutiny and will be assigned to concerned Superintending Engineer Office (1 Day)
  • 3. Application would be sent to the Circle Office (Superintending Engineer) where Amount of water charges will be decided. (2 days)
  • 4. Application would be sent to the Division Office (Executive Engineer) for feasibility certificate for the Project duly calling for a report from Subdivision Office.(3Days)

Approval Stage

  • 5. As per the instructions received from Executive Engineer an arrangement of inspection (based on requirement i.e. Major/Medium/Minor Irrigation/River /Tank etc.) shall be made or Joint Inspection by other departments along with the superior Officers above or the Engineer-in Charge. (18 Days)
  • 6. Based on Inspection report of the Executed work ( which shall be as per the standards of I&CAD Department) the Superintending Engineer would recommend for the permission to the concerned Chief Engineer (Irrigation) duly mentioning the difference amount ( which shall be checked with the latest water rates applicable) required to pay for CFO ( difference amounts of (2.5% as Security Deposit & 1Year Advance Water Drawl Charges)) (3 Days)

Procedure for Renewal

  • 1. The applicant applies for Renewal online.
  • 2. Application is then received by the officer concerned.
  • 3. The officer then scrutinizes the application,Fees and the documents uploaded by the applicant for correctness.
  • 4. Upon satisfactory completion of inspection, Renewal is granted.
  • 5. The user can then download the digitally signed Renewal Certificate.
  • 6. In case of shortfall at scrutiny level, a query is raised through the portal, after which the applicant can respond to the query either by providing remarks or by uploading documents called for.
  • 7. In case the shortfall is not responded satisfactorily, the application is rejected, with due reasons.
  • 8. In case of shortfall at inspection level, the application is rejected with due reasons.
  • 9. In case of rejected applications, an appeal can be made through the online system, after duly rectifying the reasons mentioned for rejection.

How to Apply

  • Please log in the https://ipass.telangana.gov.in/ to avail this service.
  • 1. Login by using the created id and password.
  • 2. Click on Renewal.
  • 3. Enter details in the Questionnaire.
  • 4. After filling the details in Questionnaire, please save the Form.
  • 5. It will prompt you to select for the Renewal such as Renewal of Permission to draw water from river/public tanks
  • 6. Enter the other details in Renewal Application Form.
  • 7. Upload the documents required for Renewal.
  • 8. The Application will be submitted online and the status can be tracked in the Entrepreneur Dashboard.
  • 9. Query if any from the department is visible on the entrepreneur dashboard.
  • 10. Respond to the query and submit the requisite attachment.
  • 11. Make Renewal fee payment as per the payment request of Irrigation & CAD Department.
  • 12. On approval, the viewable / downloadable Renewal certificate is available on entrepreneur Dashboard.

In case of Rejection:

  • 1. An appeal against rejected application can be made from the entrepreneur dashboard on complying with the reasons for rejection.
  • 2. A request to consider the appeal has to be made in the help desk also.
  • 3. In case of appeal made it would be forwarded to concern department for their actions.

Checklist of Mandatory Documents/Inputrequired.

  • 1. Source of Water Intake
  •     • Major Irrigation
  •     • Medium Irrigation
  •     • Minor Irrigation
  • 2. Geo Coordinates of source point for water withdrawal proposed and point of Water Utilization along other details as required.
  • 3. Feasibility report for water drawl


  • 1. Application Charge of Rs.10000/-
  • 2. Advance for 1 Year Water drawl
  • 3. Make the Payment according to the Project(KIPCL/TSWRIDCL/Other Account)


  • 1. Approval of Renewal Application within 28 (Pre Scrutiny Stage7 days & Approval Stage 21 days) working days from date of submission of complete application.


Pre-Scrutiny Stage

  • 1. Application would be sent to the Engineering in Chief (General) Office, for Pre Scrutiny and assigning to Concerned Unit (1 day)
  • 2. Application received at the CE Unit Office will undergo Pre-Scrutiny and will be assigned to concerned Superintending Engineer Office (1 Day)
  • 3. Application received at the SE Unit Office will undergo Pre-Scrutiny and will be assigned to concerned Executive Engineer Office(1 Day)
  • 4. Application would be sent to the Division Office (Executive Engineer) for feasibility certificate for the Project duly calling for a report from Subdivision Office. (4Days)

Approval Stage

  • 5. As per the instructions received from Executive Engineer an arrangement of inspection (based on requirement i.e. Major/Medium/Minor Irrigation/River /Tank etc.) shall be made for (or joint inspection with other department) along with the superior Officers above or the Engineer-in Charge. (18 Days)
  • 6. Based on Inspection report of Executive Engineer depending upon the availability of water, depending upon previous allocations, depending upon the proposed alignment for water drawl, and the feasibility of corresponding level of point of with drawl and Point of level of Utilization/ Storage, water allocation permission would be recommended by Superintending Engineer& Accordingly Permission is given by the concerned Chief Engineer ( Irrigation) duly mentioning the Amount required to pay for CFO ( 2.5% as Security Deposit & 1Year Advance Water drawl Charges) (3 Days)

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

Gram Panchayat NoC from Gram Panchayat

Note : "As per the New Panchay Raj Act (No.5 of 2018 published in gazette on 30-03-2018) and Memo (No.7578/Pts.II/A1/2017 Dt 11.05.2018) GP NOC (No Objection Certificate from Panchayat Secretary of Village) is no longer required for establishing industries."

Click here For Memo

Pre-Establishment Approvals(CFE)

NoC for Explosives License from Collector

Application for Permission:

  • The Proponent shall submit Application on-line through TS-iPASS (https://ipass.telangana.gov.in).
  • The applications are pre-scrutinized online at TS-iPASS to verify that the application is in full form with all required enclosures.
  • The deficiencies in the application will be informed by the scrutinizing officers to the applicant

Processing of the Application:

  • The submitted application will be sent to the concerned Collector’s office.
  • The allotted officer shall scrutinize the application and recommend to Collector for approval/rejection.
  • Based on the recommendation of the officer the Collector will approve/reject the application.
  • After approval the NoC will be available in the user’s login.

Checklist of Documents to be submitted with the Application:

  • Identity proof.
  • Address proof.
  • Verification report from Police.

Timelines for Approvals:

  • Grant of NoC: 30 days

Information Wizard

List of Levies imposed by State and Local Bodies

Excise Duty Rates and Tariffs:

Online Payment of Duty:

Profession Tax Rates and Tariffs:

  • The User can view the rates and tariffs for Profession Tax under the following URL: https://www.tgct.gov.in/tgportal/
  • Under the URL the User must select the tab All Acts > PT > Schedule for the teriffs schedule

Online Payment of Duty:

Online Registration:

Online Return Filing:

Online Third Party Verification:

  • The third parties can verify the registered users through the following URL: https://www.tgct.gov.in/tgportal/
  • The third parties must click on the link "Verify TIN (All Acts)" under Verification tab on the homepage

Transport Tax Rates and Tariffs:

  • The User can view the rates and tariffs for receipts under State Motor Vehicles Act under the following URL: http://www.transport.telangana.gov.in/
  • The User must click on the Taxes tab to view the rates and tariffs

Online Payment of Duty:

Online Registration:

Online Third Party Verification:

Stamp Duty & Registration Fee Rates and Tariffs:

Online Payment of Duty:

Online Registration:

Online Third Party Verification:

Electricity Duty Rates and Tariffs:

Online Payment of Duty:

Boilers Department Rates and Tariffs:

Labour Department Rates and Tariffs:

  • The user can view the fee structure for the various registrations / licenses / renewals / schemes under the respective guidance documents in the following URL :https://labour.telangana.gov.in/Checklist.do
  • Refer - Procedure and Checklist for Registration/License/Renewal/Schemes

Factories Department Rates and Tariffs:

Hyderabad Metropolitan Development Authority (HMDA) Rates and Tariffs:

Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) Rates and Tariffs:

Panchayati Raj Department Rates and Tariffs:

Tourism Department :

Film Development Corporation :

Telangana State Innovation Cell (TSIC)

Set up in 2017 under the State Innovation Policy with a vision to build and nurture the culture of Innovation in the State of Telangana. TSIC acts as the first response of the State Government for identified innovators, start-ups, entrepreneurs, and innovation catalysts to foster an inclusive innovation ecosystem with a state-as-a-whole approach.

1. Information on hackathons, ideathons, summits, and other events designed to foster a positive perception of startups in Tier 2/3 cities:

  • The Startup Telangana portal serves as a central hub for information on various events designed to promote the culture of startup and allied activities across Telangana including in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities showcasing the vibrant startup ecosystem beyond urban areas and fostering a positive perception of entrepreneurship throughout the state.
  • On the portal, regularly updated calendars and listings of hackathons, ideathons, summits, workshops, and other relevant events taking place across Telangana are posted and maintained.
  • This comprehensive resource, curated with input from the entire Telangana startup ecosystem, allows users to easily discover and engage with opportunities that support startup growth and innovation.
  • Access event details here: Click Here

2. Access to an extensive list of mentors, incubators, co-working spaces, and other resources that support startup growth, including a defined framework for onboarding sector-specific mentors, publishing profiles, and arranging online/offline meetings, complete with a fee structure:

  • The Startup Telangana portal provides comprehensive access to a wide range of resources crucial for startup growth.
  • This includes an extensive directory of mentors, incubators, co-working spaces, investors, and other support organizations operating within the state.
  • We have established a clear framework for onboarding sector-specific mentors, ensuring startups can connect with experts relevant to their industry.
  • Link:

Information on grants, incentives/subsidies available for Startups along with detail procedure, timelines, fees and documents required:

  • The Startup Telangana portal also has a dedicated section with detailed information on the various financial support programs available to startups in the state.
  • This includes comprehensive details on eligibility criteria, application procedures, required documentation, timelines for processing applications, and any associated fees.
  • We have compiled this information in collaboration with relevant government agencies and stakeholders within the Telangana startup ecosystem to ensure its accuracy and comprehensiveness.
  • This resource aims to simplify the process of accessing government support, reducing the administrative burden on startups and fostering a more conducive environment for innovation.
  • Access detailed information on grants and funding incentives here:


T-Hub, India’s largest incubation centre, synergies startups, corporations, governments, academia, and investors to drive transformative change.

1. Information on hackathons, ideathons, summits, and other events designed to foster a positive perception of startups in Tier 2/3 cities:

  • The T-Hub website serves as a central hub for information on various events, startup accelerator programs, and corporate innovation initiatives. The website and event calendar are regularly updated with the latest startup accelerator programs, corporate innovation programs, including hackathons, ideathons, summits, workshops, and other relevant events.
  • Curated with insights and contributions from the entire startup ecosystem, this comprehensive resource enables users to easily discover and engage with opportunities that drive startup growth and foster innovation.
  • Access event details here: Click Here
  • Host an event: Click Here
  • Our programs: Click Here

2. Access to an extensive list of mentors, incubators, co-working spaces, and other resources that support startup growth, including a defined framework for onboarding sector-specific mentors, publishing profiles, and arranging online/offline meetings, complete with a fee structure:

  • The T-Hub website offers comprehensive access to a wide range of resources essential for startup growth, including an extensive directory of mentors, co-working spaces, and value partners dedicated to helping startups scale effectively.
  • An exclusive mentor desk has been established to onboard sector-specific experts, ensuring startups can connect with professionals tailored to their industry needs.
  • Find resources here: Click Here
Visit T-Hub

WE Hub is India’s first state-led incubator with the primary goal to foster and promote women entrepreneurship to startup, scale up, and accelerate.

  • 1. Information on hackathons, ideathons, summits, and other events designed to foster a positive perception of startups in Tier 2/3 cities.
  • 2. Access to an extensive list of mentors, incubators, co-working spaces, and other resources that support startup growth, including a defined framework for onboarding sector-specific mentors, publishing profiles, and arranging online/offline meetings, complete with a fee structure Incubation & Mentorship: